zozo:"come on come on"
zozo:"all wright but u must keep her close yo u
zozo:"come nuthura lets go to the place of good yet still dark
zozo:"okay come on lets go"
zozo:"nuthura her have a elxier"zozo gave nutura a elxier
xemnas:"huh....sorry my freinds are battle will have to wait"then he left to twilight town. zozo:"crap lets go"
zozo pulls out his tone of daekness and tone of light while xemnas protect the sheild covering nuthura and her freind
xemnas sa them get up and he puts a dark arua sheild over dyco and nuthura
xemnas:"die in darkness" zozo:"well darkness i fill sorry for u"then the where teleported to the dark relm
xemnas:"all of u shall die for interfering with pplain zozo:"oh ya"then zozo drank an exiler and his arm came back with darkness
xemnas:"now go threw the teleporter" zozo:"let her go xemnas"as zozo came frome the town with one arm
he teleports behind her and crushed hes hand
xemnas:"come with me if u want to see zozo"
sure dudet
zozo:"my arm" xemnas:"i am going to find her" xemnas found nuthura in the wqar field
xemnas:"tell me" zozo:"never" as xemnas shoot zozo with lazers.he was falling in to darkness
while zozo was walking to the war site he saw xemnas as the town people left to ther homes. zozo:"hello xemnas." xemnas:"u shall die where u stand unles u tell me where nemei." zozo:"never" xemnas:"then die"
sweet :D :D :D :D :D