then a dark hole came under sephiroth it was zozos hand who grabed sephiroth and took him to the wall and slamed him
zozo woke up in a room feld with clones of xemnas.he struggled to get out.but he was tied to the floor. zozo:"help,nuthura,mixt,anyone". xemnas:"no use boy im going to experment on u if i cant get nimie
zozo:"i cant move." xemnas:dieeeee." zozo:"ahhhhh.i wont give up."
zozo:"ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." xemnas:"how petheitic"
xemnas:"thinking about ur mother well soon thinking will be no importance or love or any thining." zozo:"dont talk about her motther like that"
zozo:"dont worry this time i wont go" xemnas:how sweet u could be a great love if i rememberd how it felt
xemnas:"now u cant get away by portal" zozo:"she want have to ill protect her"
zozo:"this time u wont get away" xemnas:"this time im going to brake both of them"then xemnas teleports behind nuthura and brake both her rise and kicked her in the ari to brack her legs
xemnas:"i need to take the power hidden with in" zozo:"thats going to take a while its time for are rematch"
zozo:"well i dont know." xemnas:"my preicous neimie come with me"
zozo:"well i do remember that. i got it i went to castle of oblivan u know how yhings go extra fast
zozo:"what do u mean where i was it was 8 weeks
zozo:"well acutally i did leav."
zozo:"ahhhhhhhhhh.thanx so how have u been since i left."
zozo:"ya arnt u the only one on the bus.well i need u to say relese"
zozo:"nuthura is that u?"
zozo:"i must go.i cant hold it.good bye.i will be back"
zozo:"dont worry i swear i will protect u. dark light!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xemnas:"what the. it cant be no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
zozo:"ahhh" xemnas:"did u think u can get away from me that easy"
zozo:" these is going to take some time tho