The displace bothers me for some reason. I'd play with it using smudging or something. Quality digicoloring.
I joined for the code vault. I wanted to make the game I loved as fun as possible by using the various cheats available. I decided to register when I visited the ID section and saw a member that had very similar views to mine and I felt the need to have posting abilities. This member was Roxas. Rest is history.
Read tutorials. Get the basics of your program down.
Text kills it. Great tag regaurdless.
read some smudge tutorials till you get the hang of it.
best icon maker for all time.
Too good to be true? I think so.
N E W E S T l M E M B E R l L O L Z
Omfg. My name is Alexandra, too! 8D
misty is soooooo hott.
Not doing any of the above requests. Take it to another shop if you still want it. sorry
be more creative with it and it wont suck as much? Throwing a sentence in the middle of the tag is just ****ing dumb imo.
I knew that was coming xD
Good night, sweet prince. <3
N E W E S T l M E M B E R l L O L Z.
Kay bye. we don't want you anyway.
Later, bro. I figure i'll stick here just a bit longer before I decide to get permaban'd and leave.
why post this thread i don't even
Cool story, bro.
California sucks wtf are you guys talking about? Anyways try and have fun here I guess?