Oh dear LAWD.
HAWWWT INDEED~ If you're dibsying Jennifer Lawrence I'm dibsying Liam Hemsworth~ Because I can~
To choose a Voluptuous Vixen of Vivi's and Llave's Loveable lobster... Hmmm, I wonder...
But **** isn't censored sdfuggcukycgwkuye Edit: NEVERMIND, IT IS.
I've BEEN WAITING FOR THIS May go for concept art and/or lineart :D
I agree wholeheartedly with you. As much as I love the old generation, doing remakes of remakes will just be confusing and... not very appealing to the wallet, you know? But that asides, I am loving the trailer, and what you can do. Unlike the previous games with the generic spritings (which I do like), you can for example jump about, and do so much more with this game. Looks fabulous, right down to the graphics. The legendaries look awesome, can't wait to see how the battle'll turn out.
I'm not sure if I should change my username to Unkel Dolan/Anty Daisu or Morky Mouse. Dunno why... I just legit feel like changing it to something cray cray.
Haha, thanks c: I'm glad you like my art work! With light sources, sometimes I do get a bit confused as to where to add said highlights :S, but I shall continue to work on it alongside the anatomy of things :D Thank you for the advice! dajksdgasjkdgshadkashgdkash you are much too kind @o@ And never say ne- You can most definitely do it, the only thing is you might need a bit more time to perfect the things :D Thank you, and thank you again!] Here's yet another batch of photos! Sorry if they're all persona, I'll try to get out of the habit of drawing persona related characters soon, honest! Some of these are older than others, the first three are the most recent. Before anyone says anything, I know that bra looks crooked D8 Its still bugging me to this day and I don't know what to do to fix this problem dashgdaslkdgasd Spoiler Spoiler
Thank you everybody for the suggestions 8D They all really helped me through the essay! Nearly done now, thank god @A@ Can I gives hug nao?
Sounds fang-tuckingfastic 8D Alright, gonna sign up for this!
Oh hi there Alkhem, and welcome back to the world of forums, and welcome to KH-Vids! :D As you may have found out, we are a nice friendly community, with crazy quirks of our own, and we all warmly welcome you into our fold >8D Hope you've read the rules in the introduction thread, if you are a little confused its just right next to the creepy red avatar :D Happy Surfing dood! I see what you did there~
You and that new Ramen guy have awfully familiar Gurren Lagen glasses on your avatar dshadgaskdj Hey there Xaon! Welcome to KH-Vids! We are all a nice friendly bunch down here, so I hope we can all get along! Don't forget to read the rules, which are posted on the Introduction thread, and to contact staff or your friendly neighborhood members and we'll be glad to help out, ok?