Fengurjfgnrthun Bcaus Ferskin~
Fwdgigdwcdeou oh my gawsh, let me love you <3 And yes, exactly!!! 8D Now to convince GS to become Teddie~
Fuursakn pls
Thank Nao-chan <3 Looking through it right now!~
About 35 hours, give or take a few minutes. Played on proud the first time, so yah, I gunned through story mode like a bawss 8D
Sounds like a plan~
Ahhhh! Beau <3
;D That she was. Maybe if it regrows soon, say two weeks time~
>;D I ateded her~
*le gasp* Rise-chan!!!!
I hear you talkin' bout fruits here~
Kanji-kun! I was wondering where you might have been! Thought you might have been out with Narukami and Hanamura-kun again. ( c: Welcome, Kanji-kun! Omai another Pee4 person in da hood! Hope you have loads of fun and schtuff here!)
Postin' rite back at'chu boo~
And I'm banning you for being CRAYCRAY
Damn... I'm a bit late for concept stuff (too many essays this month I swear to god D:), only managed to do a side of Kitteh's character. XD Uh, if you like it or not, let me know! Did this all digitally, so I hope it's ok that I cleaned it up a lil'. Uh, I could try and do the rest ASAP (Sunday latest if possible?), they're all unfinished at the mo due to my heavy workload. Spoiler Edit: Deleted
So... I was looking back at one of our previous conversations, and for the helluv it, used Gizoogle on eet :D The results?...
How'e you been bb?
Elo Llavey-boii :D