i don't mind at all 8) pls, feel free to have your D-itto breed with mah lickiysaur~
jishuihsbuhshius oh plummykins <3
So for old time's sake, I went on it for a bit and I- suhnsiuhnhusnshu this is cute as hell I-I couldn't...
/le huggles ;D you know you do~ jidsnwdijnij
Choosing entry one, as it personally sounded a lil' better than the others c:
YOU'RE YOUNGER THAN ME?!?? Jhbljhddbdewlybouyguuouu You're very pretty <3 Over the years yous all getting even moar gorgeous omg 8)
How about; Draw yourself as a video game character? 8)
Spoiler > Dumps these images in here and flees back into doing presentations 8(((
one even lift?
DHGSDKASGDLSADGALADAhgklDA I'VE GOT MORE~ GONNA MAKE ONE OF YOSUKE GETTING BITTEN IN THE EAR BY CHIE 8D But since I've already got some of the RP pics drawn up on my end, I'll show you a little something 8D Been trying to get pony anatomy right, but asides from the basics I'm struggling a little. Spoiler Spoiler fadkhdfaskjdhaskjldA THANK YOU SO- HOW DO TAKE COMPLIMENT dsagkdsaghsakdjghaskdja Thank you though :3 >3< thank you so much~
<3 you too Labby-chan~
Damn indeed ;D
Portrait Order !! Type: Bust Number of Characters { 2 } Character Reference/s: Character 1: links but as a guy, here's the male uniform Character 2: here Background Reference/s: Transparent? :3 Vision: Up to you Dinny boy, but please add a little romance in there?~ >w< Text { Optional } Additional Information { Thank you Dinny! :D }
Promise! * fingers crossed behind back *
I've been good! And yourself? :D
hugOUGOUGfsugfgousfsugfsoutsfuogftuisfutoafhgifuitfuitc I didn't know what to expect but oh my gosh wow! @o@ This is absolutely gorgeous Jayn!! Fantastic work as usual!! You don't need to apologise about the lateness of it :3 You've had stuff going on out there! I'm just thankful you took some time out to do this for us all! Oooh, and as for the image!~ I'm mostly going to use it on KHV, but I've also got a tumblr rp blog under her name >w<~ (I made a post on my side blog foamyloverrr on tumblr, and linked it back to this page, if you need me to add any more details with the crediting just a'let me know~ :3) Thank you again, Jayn!!! //returns to hiatus~
I'm in Scotland from friday till Sunday, but you won't see me about till next Thurs xD See ya laters!
xD wahahahaha~ i knew it