I concur with this notion! >8DD
oh how I've missed you :'DDDD <3333333
fdkjlhdsfkjsdhflkdsjfhsd omai <333333
oooh bby <3333
Its good to see you again :3 Its not often I see someone back from the 06' era~
note to self = next name change; Berry Bookins, Llave's Loveable Lobster, Shizuo's SIut or Vivi's Voluptuous Vixen.
shalom mai fruend shalom mai fruend shaloooooooom shalooooooom the banhammer man gun' get u today shaloooooooom shalooooooom
I've been good! Just finishing off one of my years at university 8) And it's alright, I expected half as much! c: Was a bit of a newbie last time...
I.... There's even more art on this cutey patootie! Fack it, this is my fave Pokémon, right alongside gently.
Too many, if you ask me :3 Hey brosif! Long time no speak man!
Pfft! But I rarely change my name! Ever since I became Cherry Berry hijssinhuibibhu I've legit only had 3 changes of names.
Shellpix~ Basically Okey Dokey nightmarefuel Vilecruel
Its going well! Normally I'm known to most as Cherry Berry, but I decided to do a temporary overhaul for a few weeks with this username 8) How've you been?
You probably knew me a long long time ago as uh... Mookiethekeytodestiny, if that rang any bells. ^^; But like, I got super stoked when I saw...
oh my god its been so long <3 *hugs*
oMFG SARA?!?!?!?! I haven't seen you in years 8D *HUGS*
gettin real tired of yer shi t bro
Hvjhgvigviy ;3; well im glad u are, u perf brosif~