u suck go die D:
For one, it's Terra. Same character designer for both Terra and Zack. (err.)
I'd change my name to DubaiMario.
Good god... That is scary. I looked at it for 5 minutes, and all of a sudden, my eyes became all blurry and I saw her move...I think. Creepy.
Meh...the eyes are freaky. But I'm guessing it's mesmerization. They tell you freaky facts and you imagine it happening. :/
The man said it went against one of the US Constitution's amendments. 8th I think? Excessive punishment.
"tell o' pharaoh...let my people goooooooooooooooo"
I'm already sentenced to jail anyways, but I haven't gone to jail yet. :/
"You judge...you are the crook." xD
I believe I can fly.
The conflict is more of a contradiction in the sig itself. Setsuna is from Gundam 00 which is well...not exactly the most gentle anime and the effects say otherwise.
Send him good wishes.
He's just so...Roxllen.
High tide.
let's just say...i saw a cookie >.>;
but i wasn't on yesterday D:
... ... .... ... liek...omfg HAI! *fanboy scream*
Oh my gosh D: I am so wearing that.
Geez... Roxas, a former member, made it in honor for us. Get over it. XD