Third choice.
The text is...meh, I suggest using another font and only using "Slade" text. The color tone is a personal favorite for me. Pentooling around Slade would be nice. Add some brushing near him. Blur some and sharpen others, particularly, sharpen brushing near him and blur the outsides. Floral brushes would go well. Add some negative space going the the same direction as Slade to add flow. A little on the right and a little on the left.
1.) :bored: 2.) how do u quit teh interwebz? D:
To be honest, I don't think Coded really goes with the series in any way but a mobile game. It may refer to some familiar elements, but I doubt it will present any vital information to the series or BBS. :/
...can I have yo' number?... Can I HAVE YO NUMBER!?
My signature is a bunch of words and a picture of L. I got it somewhere off of PB. lulz...peanut butter XD The lol...thing...I made myself in 30 seconds. Lol means laugh out loud, you nub.
Meh...I tried something a little new since I am in such a slump. :/
lol hai mari i r raito aka *roxas* (the former before it got taken again -_-') lol hai ther
Aah~ IRC was simply amazing.
They might compose a variant of the Simple and Clean theme and the Organization theme. :/
Oh bad. XD But yeah, I guess that's one pro for Re:CoM
I must argue that. I tried doing this, but it doesn't work because Jafar's enemy card doesn't apply to sleights (ugh).
Please learn how to spell.
That's all there is to know. Case closed? suck. *runs around court with a diaper and baby bottle yelling 'COOKEHS TATSE GOOD'*
Jury: So basically... You were outsmarted severely?
Username: Ryuuga Nickname: Cookie Favorite food: Apples Interests: To be released and be free. Do you like cookies: HELL YEAH! Who do you want to be adopted by(Rosey/CtR/Both): None...RELEASE ME D: Anything else: RELEASE ME D:
Don't do it. It's horrible. ;~;
... *kills Cin* >D