I challenge you to a Pokemanz BATTLEEE! I choose Jerome-san! >_>
omg...what have I done...xD
You might as well buy the game just to try it out. I haven't really played a KH game I haven't enjoyed yet. =/
lol talk about epic phail
He can't get out of teh Pokeballz himself! Help by feeding him rare candies! GOGOGOGO!
;~; I didn't have enough time to make Jordie a gift. DX Wait...isn't Jordie only 12 >_>?
Chris Crocker...xD
Those are my favorite brushes. ;~; Lol, smooth out the text...xD No offense, but it looks like a bunch of random brushes all over the place. =/ Please add some flow to it.
xD I freakin' lol'd at that. ---- My first friend was The_Darkness AKA The_Burger_King AKA -Sharp> AKA /D/J/_!DaNgEr_*MOU5E* AKA Darky(lol) AKA Sin AKA Guilty Spark. Lolz, he taught me how to Photoshop ^_^ Then I started to meet other people and stuff. :3
Old news, pal.
Well, this thread is a bit awkward for me. You see, my name is Anderson. XD
That's one problem with the rep system. :/ Luckily, you have enough rep to brag in their face anyways. XD
Don't use the...er...is it liquify on GIMP? Anyways, don't use that distort filter like that. It kind of ruins the focal. The tag overall is very monotonous in color and extremely messy. You're gonna have to step away from the pentool dude. It doesn't suit the effects that are being incorporated. The displacement with the sparks layer is quite repetitive through the canvas, which makes it quite bland. On a lighter note, it does have some flow, which is a plus. Keep working at it.
No, they won't make an English version. You have to import them from Japan.
The CoM version of 100-Acre-Woods unlocks a sleight and you can get an Elixir, so that you can buy them later on. It was a useless world, but it's nice to do the little quests for the rewards.
Whoa... I knew Wii's cheap price compared to the PS3 and XBOX 360 would help it sell better, but I didn't know it would be this good of a seller. O_O
I usually play a little when I go over to my cousin's house, since I don't literally own the game. I've already beaten it 2 times and I'm currently going through my third playthrough; I select a different starter weapon each time - this time it's staff. However, I haven't been to my cousin's house in almost a month. =/
First off, try to crop it so it's smaller. The effects suit the theme, but they're extremely weak. Unfortunately, since there isn't much to it, there isn't much to CnC. I can only suggest try to use other effects. =/
I skipped here and there. I mostly only watched the scenes from Twilight Town as you play as Sora near the end of the game and scenes from TWTNW. Sora vs Roxas ftw.