xD A sweetie?! Lol that's new. :3 Hai :V Has one of the most rad graphic skillz I've ever seen.
I lurve Scar Symmetry~ Grape - DJ Kewlaid
*is gonna bend the rules in this thread a bit* Has an infatuation with k-9's. ;D Final act = amazing, amirite or amirite. DX Don't spoil it if you see this and reply! XD >.> Is German... right? XD
:3 Splendid news. And yeah I've gone through kind of a lot. xD But I also wouldn't have it any other way. One day at a time, I say! Well this is my second semester in college n whatnots. I dunno what I wanna peruse yet or anything, but I'm working on that. c: xD Good old BIU! ;D Hay hay! I've missed you!
@_@ It's so bright. ;D But very nice.
:3 I dooo. :L How's things?!
x3 Omfg yes. 9001/10. >X3 CHARIZARD IS MY FAV POKEMON. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Beautiful - Matt Derey
XD Rosey?! xD I just went "wtf" in my mind. o: An unexpected surprise.
:3 D'aw, how cute.
xD Not at all, why??
Spit You Out- BFMV
:I Great, now I do too.
xD "Screw god of war" ;D Gladly. <3 Sole reason why I'm getting a PS3, I tell you. @w< AHAHAHBWAH
Omg I just went
You speak the truth.
Lul. 10/10 for allllllll. <3
Road To Nowhere - BFMV
I Get It - Chevelle
Well that's some serious awesome sauce.