So Cold (Acoustic) - Breaking Benjamin
Woof woof woof.
*pops in* Hola *pops out* Toodles~ :3
Yup, I do.
;P Toodles guys.
:/ something with computers... or.. writing.. but I really hate essays... And to become a writer you need nothing but essays.. So I don't think...
Lol sounds really lame. Just get a new roomie. Life's alright. I guess. I just want to know what I wanna study in and get out of this house...
xD *lost*
:/ How annoying. Have you told him to like... stop complaining?
Ah that's pretty close. What's the problem with him?
xD You? Weird? Never.
Aw... Your roommate sucks then? :/ That's really lame. You can switch roommates right?
o_O *does the same*
No friends there? Why do you hate it?
xD Wow burn. Nice. lol Three is definitely not a crowd.
Yeah... especially since I'm still at home and I don't know what I want to major in...
:D I'm Hooome
Yeah same here. Livin life. College sucks, I guess lol.
If he read the manga, then he'd have a bit of my respect.
Spit You Out - BFMV