Goats on a boat. Do you concur?
I'm feelin angggrryyy ggrrrr Welcome - Slipknot
Circle - Slipknot
Duality - Slipknot
Three Nil - Slipknot
o_O Omgsh, seriously? Congratulations!! :3
x3 Omg yeahhh. Tis the little robo dude and he's all "::L: Heavy metal!"
Savior - Rise Against
Moshpit. Lawls
The Penulous Fall - Kamelot
^ Omgsh your bangs are adoraabblllee. :3 Spoiler Sawp kh-v's. I decided to be a reh-tard 'cause my hair was straightened. :I lulz
Lol thanks bro. XD
Dx lol yeah I don't come here often anymore. Just to check pm's and look at this thread. X3 D: Today, you would not believe what happned to me... I went to class, takes 20 mins to ge there. Then my teacher made a 5 min long announcement. And then we could leave. @_@ Like omfg that's so annoying. I don't drive 20 mins to stay for 5 mins for something that could've been sent in an EEMMAAILLLL. *breathes fire and destroys a small village* ._.' So yeah. Arg.
O: Omfg get it! Seriously, like I have all of my kh-v buddies on msn. Dx
Enough - Disturbed
:I I went and worked all weekend like the good college student that I am with no monies.
;P I'm surprised to see you not passed out on a couch.
Everyone needs msn's and they need to always be online like I am. c: In other news: I just figured out I have final paper due tomorrow. It's 11:11pm. :I Jjjjoooyyy...
Lul, welcome to the awesomest family ever.
Sooner Or Later - Breaking Benjamin