Lol yah, who're yu Trixxxxstar.
xD Is not, it's true.
Hahaha puncuation Nazi burnitup!
Aw I totally need a new video card too. -_-' How am I supposed to play decent games..
O.o lol XDD
Mm. Kiryu doesn't sign on MSN much either. D: Every few months I see him and he IM's and we catch up a bit :s
Strawberry Swing - Coldplay
Statues - Foo Fighters
Better Than Heavan (No Age Remix) - Bloc Party
xD Lol Jelleehhh <3 <3 My Being counterpart. <3 :3 Your face is just like far too cool for school:
xD You sure do.
Lol it weighs 40,000 tons. xD I can't even imagine that.
Moonlight - she
lol I wasn't sure if I had. xD; That's how few pictures I have of myself. :v :I And I'm truly horrid at taking pictures of myself. Maybe when one of my friends catches me off guard or something, who knows. ._.
I second that lovely notion. Where's Kiryuuuu O:!!
Alright KH-v's. Tell me if you're not ready for this: Spoiler :I yes, this needs explaining: No, I'm not naked, I'm wearing a dress and I was messing with my brand new palm pixie phone ♥ ♥ that I adore ♥ ♥ and yeah. I dislike smiling. That pretty much sums it up. C:
Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps - Cake
C: Oh ty.
Kh-v's, I have no cool pictures to post. ): I should get my camera out.
C: Oohhh snap. Lol and yeah I agree. The Misfits will always be around~. The good old days were awesome. *w*