^ That sounds pretty cool, bro.
Psh, not much man. Almost lost my cool with that, but I'm too cool... So I'm chillin like a villian.
That's rad, all. Same same.
What's up?
It's So Simple - Saosin
Lol same old. xD I'm pretty sure this is the oldest family.
xD Haha but of course, Kika. C:
I'm a hardass, I do not require such displays of affection. B|
:/ Yeah seriously. I was out and about all day, busy doing stuff. X_X Uuugh xD lol
xD lolz ZOMFGSH I had just had like a 15 hour day, no joke. Woke up at 7, got home at 4. Chilled at home for an hour, left at 5, got home at 11:30.. That's like... *counts*... D: 15.5 hours...
Lolz happy what?? XD
:D Hey look, he's not passed out on a couch!
Nebula - she
Lol, good to know you still look gangly n short. ;P
lol glad you think so.. xD yes, what Kika said. C:
._. How did I lose you??
Hm. Interesting, Burn. N Yah, I can be super cheap too sometimes. Like I won't spend $1.50 on a bottle of soda... when I can go to the grocery store and buy a 2 liter for a dolar. :I And I won't go to an icecream shop and buy a cone for 5$... when I can go to the grocery store and buy 10 times as much for like the same price. xDD
xD Lol they are so cute and noisy. C: I love them.
I heard Warhammer was fun... bbbuuut I don't know many that've tried it. /twocents