You are mean. *CRIES MORE*
I am now a fallen angel.....*cries*
I'm not gay. If I was...I don't know. I just like being RULER! >:3
What? I am female. OH NO....AM I A FALLEN ANGEL? AHHHHHHH!
He is The Devil, so he is much bigger than you.
Hello, I am female, check my profile if you please.
You shouldn't be. You are higher than her.
Okay. I will know proceed to watch.
Owls are silent but I don't want to be an Owl. Yes. I am Queen so I choose.
You should change your name to Lucifer.
Yes, of course.
Nice try, Satan.
You speak nonsense.
Am I really. I am actually Queen. ;D
CIN. /fillerzfillerz/
Who am I? I am an Angel? A devil? A demon-slayer? A Princess? A queen? Or something unmentionable?
Who said I was following you? YOU ARE A TRAITAH!
Okay then, what are you?
NOOOOOOO! Don't do it! He'll rape you! *Jumps on Lucifer* RUN!