and it's really weird. A certain color of blue REALLY freaks me out. I don't know why, but it's in the color range of turquoise and periwinkle, and I mean I go into a trance and look away whenever I see that color. It triggers this strange memory of something inside this house, or in a dark forest on a really weird night. Does anyone else here have a color that triggers a strange memory that you don't understand where it comes from?
ProLucrecia is from Arizona, but she's not online.
Aw, don't worry. I love you Australians and your kangaroos. Don't feel bad! I went to England and I survived...even when the pizza man was having a conversation with us, and being in England has now made me use the word horrid and I will say bloody when I am VERY angry, lol.
I tried learning Japanese but it didn't work. Eventually I got migranes and had to stop my lessons, so now I will probably do Latin or Greek or something like that. =/
Nope, I don't remember. It's been so long ago...I think, lol.
Banned for having a gun in your sig.
Banned for having a name equivalent to Sasquatch.
I try to watch it but my mother turns it off and she's holding up the TV watching the U.S. Open. Sorry to say but I hate Futurama; in my opinion it's a crude show.
My homeschool doesn't start until tomorrow and they still haven't sent my books. >_>
I don't know what I like to
I used to watch that but then I got bored when I knew all the episodes Hmm, maybe I'll try...
I miss good TV shows. ;_;
Pointless Pointless Pointless; it is so pointless! There are no more good television shows on, I DO NOT want to see crazy Hitler, I DO NOT want to see some ******ed people try and find a girlfriend/boyfriend on TV when I know it won't last, I DO NOT want to see some deformed aliens abducting people, I DO NOT want to hear people talk trash, I DO NOT want to see murder shows, I DO NOT want to see any more POINTLESS TELEVISION SHOWS. Now, I have expressed myself. You may proceed on watching POINTLESS VISION.
No, it would be cuter. :3
Lol, so true. More guests on here than members. I guess this is a big accomplishment, right?
Bird Zebra Finches Sunny (Sunshine) and Snowflake They are total sweethearts and bossy bums...;D
Yes, if it's your kind of thing. Banned for having Xemnas in your name with his license plate number.
I had a hard time posting because my computer doesn't understand.