it''s...*ish speechless* =O
OMG LMAO! Hallelujah!
^type of blouse <snickers Vchocolate
I see 3 grandpas and the look like my grandma
Barney still owes Mickey for the crack drug
OH NO! it's a zombie chaser O.O RUN!
^guy thinks i like his avatar <likes the guy's avatar V Mentos
it''s...EYEZILLA! run for your lives!!!!!!!!!
OMG she's all green. blonde and green =????
i ALREADY blocked him/her -.-;; EDIT: my friends are on yim and I know their msn
^no <asian random girl V lives in a tropical country
the randomosity! it burns! must bow to the randomness!
he looks like my grandma who undergo plastic surgery
I KNOW none of my friends have a photoplug. They don't even know what it is.
NONE of my friends have a photoplug AND I don't have one!
^is correct < wonders where Forsaken Sora is from V random dude/dudette
Well, all of my classmates have yim. I think i'm the only one w/MSN
If it was some random dude, he would've told me his username