Tell me about it. T-T
^ I not always right, and should stop calling me a grammar nazi < Has terrible grammar skills. (Just ask Jade Rhade.) V Is fond of their parents' underwear.
^excited \ <bored V bored
riku_gaara in my pants
4,5 'n' 14
It's good though, ain't it?
^ bored < bored V excited
^ Bored < Bored V BORED?
^not mean? < not mean V YOU'ZA FIRIN' YA LAZAH!
I'll have to teach you leet.
^mean < nice (even if I do steal peoples souls...) Vmean
lololol 74/-/7 1Z l_l83l2 1337
I am But I entertain myself by correcting coreyposting in1337
^ is mean < does believe me V is mean
Nah I typed grammar hammer into photobucket because I was bored and thought they were funny so i saved them.
^ lies < donbt lie V doesnt believe me =[
^ honest < honest V liar!
^ AAAAAGH < i liek beanz V liekz\ pie