I blame you for me living in England while the rest of my family is in Scotland.
I blame you for my obsession with Antimatter.
:3 -hug'd-
Fun fun fun!
Can't be bothered to go into the CP.
I've been in here for hours... just invisible.
You blame you for having so many typos.
I blame you for me stapling my hands to the desk.
Your lucky >_>
Look at my quiz result Matt Heafy Keeping metal alive today! Respect
^Link { Haz bebo V doesn't
^likes metal/rock {Loves metal/rock V hates them (well SCREW YOU!)
^cool {cool<b> V COOL
^lieks EV { Lieks Ev V liekz EV
That wrong. I still mistype x3 ^Is eating popcorn { hates popcorn V HATes me
I took the Grammar Hammer knowing I would not us it as it should be used, so I'm giving it to someone who I know will use it correctly I'mma give it to Rat =D
^I do < Jade made his profile pic V will read me my bedtime story which is
ok then *breaks every rule except the signature onez*
*psh* amateurs I did that ages ago, I was cool waaaaaaaaay before you.
^must eat < Learnt to read (see other grammar thread) V will read this book to me