Thanks ^-^
Poke you... Continuously.
The Conga in my pants xDDDD
Congratulations on not dying for almost another year.
PSP + hammer = :D
That's probably why xDDD
I actually have a Jewish friend o_O theres the proof *found it :3*
^ =O < Confused! V Will help me understand simple things (saying yes will result in a PM)
I blame you for my inability to think of anything to blame you for.
I blame you for chavs and neds (double owned)
I blame you for everything.
^ Wont give me food < V GTFO my forum with your grammar bish!
^ Sort of < Supports good grammar but couldn't care less V < That taught me to write that did
I blame you for my bad grammar.
^ I blame you for not knowing black holes lead the gretney green. ((Glasgow.)SCOTLAND.)
^ No. < V Can confirm my bad grammar!
got added by me on bebo
I blame you for making me feel bad (even thoguh its sunny outside)
Lieks beanz
[c=#0000BF]Ann[/c=39][c=39]iexo[/c=40] celestial says: Whos saying your a grammar nazi Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: everyone Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: even the ****ing tests are [c=#0000BF]Ann[/c=39][c=39]iexo[/c=40] celestial says: But your not Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: I know [c=#0000BF]Ann[/c=39][c=39]iexo[/c=40] celestial says: If you were you would be using cap letter and full stops Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: Exactly Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: well Full stops [c=#0000BF]Ann[/c=39][c=39]iexo[/c=40] celestial says: lol Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: If I hadn't posted it nobody would ever have said anything :/ [c=#0000BF]Ann[/c=39][c=39]iexo[/c=40] celestial says: wow I wanna take that test, can you give me a link Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: Yeah, 1 min Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says:;_ylu=X3oDMTE1M2xpN2k2BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2lyZAR2dGlkA1VLMDI2NF8yNjQ-/SIG=13q7r71i4/EXP=1207568407/**http%3A// Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: And theres this one too Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: [c=#0000BF]Ann[/c=39][c=39]iexo[/c=40] celestial says: In the first one I'm a Semi-NaziListen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: xDDD Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: sorry Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: at least your not the adolf hitler of grmmar - Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: GRAMMAR* [c=#0000BF]Ann[/c=39][c=39]iexo[/c=40] celestial says: lol Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: aW CRAP >_> [c=#0000BF]Ann[/c=39][c=39]iexo[/c=40] celestial says: Wha? Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: Nothing. Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: [c=#0000BF]Ann[/c=39][c=39]iexo[/c=40] celestial says: and the second one I'm blanced Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: balanced* Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: I need to stop doing that o_o [c=#0000BF]Ann[/c=39][c=39]iexo[/c=40] celestial says: lol Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: *staples hands to desk* there now I can't do it! Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: Oh shiz [c=#0000BF]Ann[/c=39][c=39]iexo[/c=40] celestial says: lol Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: I R DUN KNOW HOW 2 RITE [c=#0000BF]Ann[/c=39][c=39]iexo[/c=40] celestial says: Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: [c=#0000BF]Ann[/c=39][c=39]iexo[/c=40] celestial says: orly? Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: yarly! Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: See ! hat prves the quizzes wrong! Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: proves* [c=#0000BF]Ann[/c=39][c=39]iexo[/c=40] celestial says: yep Listen up. I AM NOT A GRAMMAR NAZI, UNDERSTOOD? says: ^-^ I can't remember where, but somewhere in there is proof that I'm not a grammar nizi!