each wished you wear beat 1/3 to death I wish Zexy(Sexy) wash meh bestes buddeh :3
Avvy: 1337 /-/4><><0l2 Zl<l11z Sig 7:10 I cant's see's it's much's
Granted. But he destroys it by accident. I wish The following characters were real: Every single KH and FF character. EVUR!
Knife Blood Nightmare in my pants.
Nu !
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I haz seen a very good vid!
Meh. Watches German kid, Whoz thes freek? He dances at 1:12 You R MAKE NO SENSE!
Axel has no fanz I wish I was Roxas and me and riku became bestest fwiendz!
... Too late, phase 24747339 of my12374349452325023563289504689546308564305649065309564305 phase plan has come and gone.
Not... Yet...
1) nOT GAME RELATED 2) tHE COOKIE CRUMBLES!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I was Zexion.
I R Liek Beanz!
*Points and laughs*
Okay so I couldn't do this one question in maths so for no apparent reason I just started freaking out then wrote down all the answers in like a minute... I'm scared of myself now TT^TT
Freak out... Before sending my evil army of ninja penguins after you.
Do they fall out of stuff too? *Hopeful look*
ORLY? *Considers it* Nah, not worth it.
Doesn't everyone?
Fave parts: Hamster falling out Hamster trying to climb upwards.