probably 'cos everyone calls me that. MasterofTheOnyx Flame and DPWolf O__O
Itachi xP
stfu I bet I'd totally own you. Actually I probably wouldn't but still... STFU!
No not Ok. I'm determined to learn dbf... (And fox step...)
DoC > CC ... Oh yea.. Hi.
then my lvl 44 friend (who I know IRL) TRIED (AND FAILED... AGAIN!) To help me to be able to do dbf
I was playing GunZ and this guy was using tbf (triple butterfly) so I switched to my spray weapon and not one hit him O__O so I just looked up and used turtle gate to make him locksword faced down and slashed but he didnt locksword I was liek "dude wtf hax!" Then he turned to electricity and killed me. And everyone was like. "Obvious hack is obvious" and we kicked him. It was fun x3
Yeah I use Monk style [[mainly]] Ghost slash : attack attack block. After the first attack animation use block. And i wana learn fox step... Its uber mega awesome.
Theyza good fer yer heart they goo in yer mouth an' out yer arse
lol whut?
^ Haz sheezyart < addicted to Gunz V also plays gunz (meet me in begginers server1 PM and riskown)
there an easier way to do dbf. I can do bf, but not dbf. And I Need to practice my ghost slash and turtle gate >_>
I bakme you for my friend having a mental problem which starts with a T and ends in a C and causes her to feel urges to pull out her eyelashes and hair.
^ Kill it kill it killit... Just not meh < *tilts head* V hello.
What's a "meber"?
I Need To Play Gunz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You only just realized? We have like a bajillion hate threads and loads of plans to torture the actors.
I R liek beanz!