^ I am eternal < SHE BLED FROM EVERY F *Sees CtR* nevermind... V omg its a cupboard!
When all exodia cards are put into place exodia the forbidden lord is summoned which is immune to all traps and spells. Learnt the rules bish (If you can survive it XD [abridged jk]
Peck people... Apparently
Didaskaleinophobia- Fear of school Arachnophobia - fear of spiders Alliumphobia- Fear of garlic. Anglophobia- Fear of England or English culture, etc. (LOL)
^ Not really I have headache stomachache and the runs < Feels sorry for turtles V Alternating current
Sorta... P.S. sup dudes?
^ *facepalms at avvy and sig* < there are more sheep in sudtralia than people V cardboard box
I draw all 5 pieces of exodia I win
^nope <OHMYGODITSYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vepic win?
^nope < two girls at school think this person is going to kill them V will tell me why (seriously I dont kno why they're scared of me T-T)
You know your insane when 2 girls in your school think you're going to kill them *shifty eyes*
You know your insane when You'll happily watch someone die buit you'll die protecting a teddy bear >_<
^ axel ftw < AXEL FTL!!!! V bob the magical apple =O
lol Death Note. Fave Bit: "I just wanna say, what the fux has this got to do with me?"
^OHMIGOSH < bump Vthere a monkey dancing on your arm n_n
You know you're insane when everyone says you are.... Yeah... >_>
*sigh* *posts it as a long* Now do you understand the blatantlty obvious?
... Well this'll be easy.../ Ill put play exodius lord of the forbidden all the time.
Its GunZ...