Simple & clean- Utada Hikari
A great story line, awsome graphics, loadsa action, good battle system (if rpg). Although graphics shouldnt always count I mean look at ff9 that was a brill game:)
Cheese- n pineapple Clock- tik tok Kairi- pretty Frog- Selphie- Zell-
I watched the japenese ending and i notived the subs wer slightly off from the english version, but i dont think it changes the story just that they say the same thing in a different order lol
I know what his on about. Ya thats a awsome idea, I drew a few of my own keyblades.
Black- Falling Flames- hot Rubber balls- bad operation Blubber- Camp- Pickled Onions-
Although remember Rikku that u cant use mickey on the dark ball and dark thorn boss.
Well I found 2 bosses Im working on finding them all though. Beasts Castle- Dungeon Door Beasts Castle 2nd time round- Xaldin (You can die as many times as u want on this boss and mickey will fight every time)
I voted for Vivi cause I loved him in FF9 and now we finally got to hear his voice too, its exqactly how i imagined it to be :)
EXACTLY MY POINT! Like I said not everyone has played ff8. But ta tell ya the truth i cant menba wat he was in ff8 for cause FF8 bored me to tears. I just remember he was in squalls dreams wen they fainted or wateva. And then he was in the end of the game lol He had some connection with Ellona too or wateva her name was.
Are u talking to me wen u said the first line roxas? And wat do u class as spamming?
Because he looks like laguna in kh1 not 2. Yea and wat about ppl who havnt playd FF8??? God this forum int just for u man.
I know u said nomore requests but i wanted to leave it here so i dont forget soz :) size- colour- Black photo- border- yes pweez border colour- black text- The wish maker Its ok I know u said u cant do animated one i just like the first version of Jirachi :) Thank yoop
yea his still squall just looky different
sorry i got that wrong hehe 1996 soz :)
No thats not it at all, they made squall look like leguna on purpose.
OOps soz lol Xemnas is in final mix so yea it must have been :)
Maybe they put the video into the wrong catagory.
K just clik the link and u will see the fenrir keyblade :)
Oh right u dont ever fight Xemnas in kh1.