no one said the didnt like ur work just put a bit more soul into it ya know :) But hey i can only work a pencil too lmao. But im attempting userbars lol
Auron would win hands down. Not the fact of strength, ability or agility........Just the fact........Auron is already dead hehe
K thankies loads ill check it out and try it out and see how i do thanx :)
I always pic up items in Anti form. So maybe u did mis read.
So maybe I actually found out summit usefull lol
Hey Darkwatch this is my second. Any better? Or anyone else who wishes to tell me :) thankies Edit: My third:
Hey I created my first Userbar tonight yay, can someone tell me wat they think :) and their views i wanna see if i can make it better and stuff. Ok I dont know how to un attach a file..... This is my Userbar:
I saw it on the net but didnt know if it would be any good. Is it......Any good?
Toxic Love- Boy George
Seifer's weird friends- Raijin & Fujin dhfdhub- Wat? teletubbies- Spastics Tweenies- Razzle Dazzle- Sparky-
The sexiest FF girl yet :p
Well it sounds funny lmao it made me laugh lol
Gangsta- Some idiot chav cheese- Squeeze tacos- Yummy Tatoo- Dipstik- Tipex-
Anyone else that takes ya fancy? There must b sum1
wat? Anyway, back to u missy. Well maybe u should play him at his own game, watya think?
How is there another girl??
kairi from kh1 and 2 NOTE: If anyone is interested in something I just found out then plz go to the KH2 general part of the forum thankies :)
I just found out that Chasers (in real life) are key makers. So maybe those knights are chasers who created the Keyblades. And maybe they r the only Chasers left after a massive keyblade war, and the person in the distance is probably some evil guy.
Maybe he says that for a cover up?? Maybe he really likes and he is just scared or shy. And well if he is a good liar then ull never know unless u ask him str8 out yourself. say "Do u fancy me cause i fancy u lol" no dont actually hehe just do wat u think is best hehe
Lol oh yea there is that lmao