But not all otherworld character codes have been discovered, Evil man is still working on them.
Aww I voted KH1, tis the best ever game I played, it was also my first game i bought for the PS2. Its more harder than the second, harder bosses, more side quests everything about it was excellent. In KH2 they kept everything in the dark for way to long.And twas to short and easy.
No I think people would say Fenrir for stats.
I voted for Vincent because he is the best Dark/Male ff character ever he reminds me of a male version of Paine.
FFIX, loved it and i think it is one of the most memorible FF games yet. i also like X as well but IX is my all time fave :)
Rikku is awsome, thats why i voted for her. She is the reason to play X-2, if u dont like rikku dont play X-2 cause u will find it boreing. Thats all:)
Yea Evil man is right. If u lvl up too much the game will just fly by and u will have no challenge wat so ever. But yea u can go from there. I done beasts castle first b4 land of the dragons and i made the mistake of lvling up too much and i flew through the rest of the game untill I got to a certain part.
I wasnt saying a specific cup. Thats why i said colloseum (underdome). But seriously I dont know wat else ta suggest matey :) Sorry mr
Tis quite funny I spose.....Yup.
How about Donald and Goofy too :)
Actually not just anyone can wield a keyblade. Ahem hence once sum1 takes soras keyblade it appears straight back in soras hand again. I imagine this works for any keyblade master.
They r called Invisible. I liked the phantom, Kurt Zisa and the Sora heartless.
If they spoil ur points customize them to only attack soras target, but u will need ta get there b4 em lol. Also my drive gauge charged quite quik wen i battled in the colloseum. So i dont know wat ta suggest there matey :)
Was that a sarcastic remark lol Yea I would like to know who that character is in the distance.
Yea thats y i asked if he ment wen they first met or at the end. Cause everyone knows they joined each other at the end.