That is awsome Axel :D
I love pokemon still its still going strong. I cant wait for the next three movies which have been released in japan :D
No poor Demyx......Sora u evil lil.....
Hahaha my Bliziken is awsome and shall burn ur pics hehe
Im confuzzed O..o
Its Utada Hikari......
Cheers Thankies, u rock too ;) So where is the party?......
Im not going now and I am very nice :D
She ignores me lol so there int much point asking her. Thankies AxelEight :D
Oh wat a bummer.... Ill have ta ask somewhere else for help
I dont change mine. Well my siggy yea but not my avvy
Mickey obvious reasons And Demyx :)
Im not now RIKKU :) We r m8s rite? rikku
Will u teach me as well. I have paintshop pro 7. We can learn together
Thanx Axel ;) Dya make sigs by any chance?
No Moogle i wasnt important and im not. Im just another newbie. Sorry Axel bt im gna go to a forum where I can make friends and ppl dont ignore u :) Ur my best m8 on here lol but we hardly ever talk to each other :)
Its been good while it lasted but im off now. Thanx to the people who were good m8s: Rikku AxelEight Evil_man89 BYEEEeeeeeeee hehe Oh dnt forget me btw :)