LOL, bravo!! :D
HECK YEAH I WOULD BUY IT!!!!!!!! I would prove to freakin' Nomura that he would be making a wise decision to release it out here!!! And I hardly know any Japanese, so screw the imports!!!!!!!!! (Sorry. I'm just soooo flippin' ticked that we're probably not getting it.)
Ohh, the suspense!:D
Most awesome Roxas, Roxas, ROXAS!!!:D Roxas is the coolest and he is sooooo hot and he makes me MELT oh my gosh! His, I think both his American and Japanese voices are so SEXY!!!:D In second place comes Axel, and then Demyx, and last Marluxia. I'm not a huge fan of Marluxia's pink hair and his flower powers and his pink scythe. I love scythes, but not when they're pink, because pink is definitely NOT my favorite color.
Yeah, that would suck. Or dying of some kind of disease like cancer or something where you die slowly and don't get to enjoy the rest of your short life...:(
Oh, you forgot stuff like being bit by poisonous spiders and snakes and being killed by Samara, the Ring Girl! 0.0
Man, I have no idea. They're all extremely scary! Except for bleeding I guess... But I don't know if that's painful. If it is painful, that would be scary too, because it's also likely to be a slow death. Anyways, I picked drowning.
I read it!:)
Christmas comes in first because you get awesome presents and great food and sometimes you get to see cousins and such that you haven't seen in forever!:D Halloween is next to that. Candy and costumes...that rocks!! I'm not Jewish so I don't celebrate Hanukkah (no offense to anyone), and Valentine's Day is OK, because you get some chocolate (if anyone loves you, LOL). On Saint Patrick's Day, nothing really happens except everybody is wearing some green, but it's better than April Fools Day! Man, is of yesterday I've decided that I HATE that day because of freaking Xaldin!!!!!!!
I should have known it was too good to be true. But dude, that was soooooo freaking mean!! Do you have any idea how depressed I am now????:( YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK, so you don't suck, but DON'T EVER DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, you SHOULD import!!! The more people that import, the better chance there is of the game coming to the U.S.!!!!!:D
I am because I like voting on the polls, but when there is another one of those popularity contests, I can't vote because I haven't gotten to know anyone on this forum yet!
Do we know that they FOR SURE aren't going to release KHII:FM+ in North America???:(
Ug!!! I'm ready to rip my hair out! I think the wbesite got screwed up because I can view the video but there is no sound (and yes, I checked to see whether or not anything was accidently muted) and it won't let me download it! *goes into room and shoots self* T_T
Duh, why do you think I'm a member of this forum?? KINGDOM HEARTS ALL THE WAY, BABY!!!!!!!!!:D
OH MY FREAKING GOSH!!!!!! I just watched the Castle Oblivion: First floor video and I almost cried actually seeing these 3-D images of KH:Re:CoM move!!!!! I think I might kill myself if this doesn't come out in North America!!!!!!!
What happened to the Re:CoM intro?? I didn't get to see it! :( *sobs*
My fave music... Well, I LOOOOOOVE Evanescence and Flyleaf and Skillet!!!:D I guess those could go under the category of metal... I hate hip-hop and rap, though. Opera kind of bugs me. Classical is tolerable. Death metal scares me and bugs me sometimes. Other than that, I guess I like everything else. I voted for metal, though. Dang, this was long!
Heck Yeah! That is ssoooooo freaking sweeeeeet!!!!!!:D I love it! If this game doesn't come out in the US, I'll probably kill myself!:(
Heck I'm gonna date ROXAS!!!!!!!!!!!:D