I think it's because that it just released Tuesday that they just processed everything on that day. I mean, even I haven't got it. Just keep checking their site for your shipment and check if the store near you has it in stock already. Just like today, there's barely any stores with stocks of it where I'm at.
Wow, they really changed a lot from the Canadian version, eh?
"Get over here!" -Scorpion from Mortal Kombat
It has been a while! MONTHS! I'm good, how are you? HOW IS EVERYBODY DOING?
Namine draws herself shaved and it all comes off, haha!
Awesome! Your name shall be nearly in blue! Hello Solid Snake! Snake! SNAAAAAAKKKKEEEE! What?
Avy: Pixelated 4/10 Sig: HQ pic, nice car, I wish to buy it 6/10 Sig 2: Okay 6/10
25 Can't believe this is still going on...now in Gold Edition!
Again!? Seriously!? I lost count at 30 Haha, Ateh! xP Little? Who are you and what have you done with Rosey?
Forum really changed a lot! Must have been some party when I was gone! Anyways what's up and what I miss?
Wisdom Form Guy: Aren't you too young for this forum? HUH? ANSWER ME! Cupcake: I agree with DSK, you have very awesome hair
One more time - Daft Punk
ky bt sn't y vwl? wll t cld b!
BOOM! "Zyuranger! Zyuranger!"
There's a lot...probably Jube is the most random. Most likely to be shown in the news anytime soon.
Same with the previous rating.
If you call State Farm, are you really in good hands?
Shun the...other unclean one! D:
Lies! It's the source of herpes
I traded her for a Klondike bar. Sue me.