i feel special. :O
rat? you too? O_O
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D Neku mai hero! <3333333
i'm quite proud of it. :D
you think i want to undo that? I won't undo it a bit. :D
I am too. :D
OMG YES! I do I do I do! :D
what if i don't want a sig and or avi? advent posts very good points.
becuase i felt like it. aie liek chaos agent of chaos it's what we do.
yeah i can. dammit, get my gender right. i lack ****. :(
possibly .
are you catching onto my plan? stalker?
http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=59226 i'm repwhoring. D:
You just had to remind me. =D
I never said I was proud of it. Just proving a point.
To Kill A Mockingbird. I ripped out my hair trying to read this. And totally failed English. -_-
1) Do you know what it is? Of course. 2) Have you read any? Of course. 3) Do you like it? Of course. 4) What is your favorite pairing? Depends. 5) Do you write any? Hell no.
Most America is selfish. Hate to break it to you, but I'm one of a million. Edit: I hate debating and since PoW has been viewing this thread for a while, I'm assuming I'm going to get my ass kicked. So I'm going to get the **** out while my self-esteem/anger is in normal limits. Think what the **** you guys want to, have fun.
What an intelligent answer....anyone else?
Everyone knows that gas prices are rising through the roofs at a ridiculous pace. Most places have over 4 freakin' bucks a gallon and it's starting to create holes in people's wallets. What do you people think about it? I'm pretty sure what the main answer will be. *rolls eyes* What do you think the gov'ments should do about it?