@ Nyeh with a <3 OH GOD IT'S THERE. Um, um, your avi totally sets it off. You were an admin and my best friends and I remember you being a godson to a kid of mine named Brian. I remember yoou! D< @ muffin man: I totally had a muffin for breakfast today. *shrug* Not sure. I didn't really notice unti now. XD
Yup, checked the rules and everything. OOH. Thank you Snake Eyes for helping me get the origional account back! Much appreciated! <3
Oh ****, never thought of that. XDDDDD Lol I'm ******ed. Kay, questions answered. Someone can lock now. *facepalming*
Yet I thought I had that specific number unless they changed the requirements.
I don't know if this is in the right place or not, and I could honestly care less. Logging on today, I noticed I was lacking premium membership. I have over the post requirements and all that other bullshit, but I lack the ugly teal color on my name. I'm not mad or anything, don't get me wrong. Just curious. Kay, did I get it taken away because I was/am an absolute ******bag or is it a glitch or something on here that's just completely over my head? Something tells me it'll be the first option. =)
It feels like I copied his idea. :(
I proudly stand in the KHV World Records book. :>
The Dark Knight. ****ing epic.
Almost there. o3o
this thread is still alive? ****. >_O
I wanted it because I was bored. There's too much green on this site. :( Well, I had my kicks for today. I'm taking a hot shower and I'm going to bed. <33333333
Lulz, yesh. Rebels and agents of chaos are good. -3-
I'm quite proud of it. o3o Lol Canadian? I see. XD Now you can tell him how some dumb American copied his awesome without knowing he did it before. o3o
Yes! Thank you! :D @ Joker: Whozzat?
Don't take my rep away...:(
Lol we special.
I don't hate it, but it lost the lust it had a little while ago. :\ @ Neko: Kay. :(
I wonder too... Lol, why AM I prem? OH WAIIIIIIT NEKO! If I ask for a perm ban will you give it to me too? Oo
I'm not being fake at all. Rep means nothing to me, red or green. :O Lol, rep ****ing shmep. @ Rat: lol yah.