Why next year? D:
You should be a Premium. D:
FFF- I can change that now! 8DDD
You can do that?
Hellooo. Local KHV hobo here asking for a hooome. <3
Effin' roxas did it. 8ddd
I thought it was Sailor Moon. FFFFF- my username looks so pretty. 8D
Eh, I'm a few reps shy. *shrug* How have you been doing?
Mmkuy back. :3
Hell yah. Eerp, gotta go. Bye!
It's barely October and I'm wearing mine now> D:
My aunt claims I have a relative who signed the Dec. of Independence. Doubt it, anyway. There's also rumor that one of my great great great ect. grandfathers was BFF's with Hitler. :l
The 60's are good for me. Anything above or below is...not my favorite. :l
It's freezing outside. Hard not to be. @_@
Kind of cold, but I'm doin' good. Thanks. 8D
Maybe it was a rabid dove? :l
Cooked cabbage. Like sauerkraut.
And the Febreeze isn't working. D:
I see it if I stand really far back from the computer. I see what you did thar.
I don't get it. D :