You killjoy.
Goddamn It! Who Edited My Post! You Ruined The Joke!
A username I used all the time when I first started to use the internets.
You guys are wimps.
I kinda beleive in the white light theory but what's at the end of the light?
Prepare to be bombarded with RvB quotes: "Bow chicka bow wow" ~Tucker "Blarg" ~Crunchbite "My name is Micheal J. Caboose and I eat BABIES!"~Caboose(duh) That's all I can think of for now,sorry to dissapoint.
Dis Is A Volcay No!
I'll alert the police.
Those 2 things prove that this is a joke I mean cmon people giving a banned member a forum job. They demoted Roxas after his 1st ban. So I hardly beleive this is true.
Now I know what it stands for! Cooler than Roxma.
I wanna be just like shadowjak ^_^
You know there is a multi-quote button,just giving you a heads up.
Capture the Rear.
Same here*is ashamed*
Look Muffy,don't leave because ya broke up with Dual Wielder over a forum that's some grade A bull**** right there.If you ask me you're taking this a bit too seriously. I bet you never even met the guy in person. So what I'm trying to say is stay here or I'm bringing out Sheila ; )
Don't you mean a PEDOPHILE!