thats it!!! your both dead!!! 'god of war slices there heads off and burys them in hell' hope ya burn!!
hey axel we were just talking wanna join in?
i am godofwar ive been in meany adventures i have killed aries before.
oh yeah vincent im krazykong i changed my name ok back to the rpg. god of war looks at tifa and says hello
god of war looks at cloud and says just now i have teleporting powers
'god of war turns to cloud' yeah your right.
'comes in slowly and nobody notices me put a atomic bomb on for three seconds and rushes out the room' die!!!!
'grabs huge blade and slices soras hand off" better get a new hand cloud said
well whos ready to fight me? god of war said in a light cold dark voice
(throws a computur at nra) hope ya get out of that!!!
i changed my name cause krazykong dosent go so good with people so im going to use cloudfinalfantasy :)
well said god of war lightly do you have a weapon?
all dogs go to heaven???
dont make sara made cause shell proambely change your name into mr.pee pee pants lol
god of war walkes in the hospital' he saw a giant dog a demon dog. its time to fight god of war said
thats my middile name lol jk
i see you whineing and grinding up on that pole i know you see me lookin at you and you already know i wanna fu*k you
you ediots ot the game but DSL for computur high speed internet
this is final fantasy world you can be any character from final fantasy krazykong-cloud
in this world you live there are churches and darkness to fight and homes you live in and dinners and battelfield you can be anybody from anything krazykong-cloud