'grabs twilight bye the throat and says' ever touch me again and your head is in the ground got that?
nvm it wont work ill try later
this is like vincents i just made a part 2 for him well here it is guess
cid i guess on the first one
i got to the point i went tothe store anda robber was there i sliced his head off bought some head ach medicane and left said godofwar
ooc i already knew that but i like using godofwar so im not going to use kratos
name-dylan mathis age-18 alias-slayer personalaity-dangerous,awsome,good at games and killing. attire-black coat black boots silver chains speacilalaty(i spelled that wrong)-keyblades weapons-keyblade,huge blade,demon sword,bombs,tnt,poison,missile launcher. powers-fly,turn into anything,shoot fireballs,can make anyfood reason- i wanna join:)
godofwar gets in his bed and sleeps when he wakes up roxas is in front of him' roxas what do ya want? godofwar said
cloud yells OK I WILL!!! and jumps on kairi and puts his sword in her throat. yo sora take ya girl kairi to the hospital.
i went fishing in the sweet boat and we got a tan(im a boy) we caught a fish but it was only 10 inches it has to be 12 inches or more to keep we drove really fast in the river and lake we would have beat the other people there engines sucks lol. so it was good :D
you have to contact sara
wait stop!!! said cloud you remind me of tifa but still if you choose to fight me then its a challenge 'blastes a fireball at kairi kairi falls cold"
kratos walks up to cloud and makes him drink potion cloud turns back to normal' hey cloud why did ya bite my f**king arm you bi**
dont put it like that put it as an image
ive never done one of these so just post a good pic?
(snatches cloud and runs) ill get the right potion for you and turn you back said god of war
god of war goes to roxas and says hey kid you got some moves in fighting ill see ya around
im just gonna be god of war. god of war looks at naruto and says i can kick your @$$ in a minute
roxas when you said not to call you a nobody well you are a nobody a repeat of sora
god of war inturupts axel and says hes in the hospital in a wheel chair