well your a n00b for putting them quotes in your sig :D
i just edit that thread i did that on accident rofl!!!
my name use to be krazykong im now cloudfinalfantasy krazykong was my past cloudfinalfantasy is my future and im not a n00b b*tch lol.
i was born in alabama on a small farm i was eating healthy and i loved the other animals until that day in november i died im living in a nasty humans body they were all b*tches
an im no n00b im to funny to be a n00b $$:)$$
its nothin but a butacke it nothin but a fruit cake...... ROFLA
which backstreet boy is gay? http://youtube.com/watch?v=W64xXUObfxo
welcome to zombie survival we are a team and we do stuf and walk in to zombies and fight zombies and fun stuff <>:) do this when you sighn up there can only be 2 people so its just me and keybladewarriornexus1993 keybladewarriornexus1993-inuyasha cloudfinalfantasy-sora
godofwar saw tifa and ran up to her and says can i drink coffe with you "tells waitor to get him some coffe" lets sit and talk tifa
(pulls trigger dies and wakes up in the hospital) i wonder if i could get a visitor? he thought
im co co for co co puffs IM CA-CA FOR CO-CO PUFFS!!! LOL
cheetos i like cheetos!!! doritos vs. cheetos
fine ill destroy it there its destroyed i now have a fry gun it stuffs demonds so much they die!!
dont make me........ ITS STEWY
yep it makes me cry :*) joking
do you feel like a man when you push her around? do you feel better now as she falls to the ground? well ill tell you my friend one day this world is gonna end as your lies crumbel down. a new life she has found!!!!!!!!!
hi welcome to our kh play on stage sign up heres the board hurry and sigh up i will tell you who will do there play singing acting(fights or adventure) --------- -------------------------------
hey marluxia lets see who dies "pulls out giant blade and stabs him in the upperjaw but the sword reflects and stabs cloud and marluxia and cloud wake up in the hospital' were the fu** are we marluxia? cloud said
me keepy my keyblade
i cant live like this i take to much medicane my family is dead im going to kill my self someone stop me!!! godofwar said "points gun to himself'