no theres not in this section so post the anser!!! lol
the accident is people are not wraping it around there wrist and when they start to bowl or something it flys out of there arm and breaks and they go to wallmart asking for a new one.
every time i upload a video its not there it gets me mad!!
trivia first question who is the main main main character in kingdom hearts a:sora b:riku c:kairi
guess my christmas siggy :)
i seen that video i was like HELL NO!! and turned it off really quickly lol!
this needs to be moved you said it was an rpg well it needs to go to the rpg section of the forum sara plz move it.
dont mind this just look at the bottom ^.^
pirates of the carribean heres one we are the three muskaters!!!
i dunno who is a n00b no ne really is a n00b everyone here is cool ^...^
dunno but heres one this one is way easy your mom was a great hula dancer
i like my dumb thread roxas!!!! and i keep spelling kingdom wrong and how can i get banned for making this thread roxas???!!!???
(srry for doubel post) yay everyone likes me every one add me on there friends list and we will have a FEISTA!!!!!!!!!
"godofwar looks at tifa" its good what about you well hows ya boy cloud he alright?"sighs" i dont have my girl no more she died so .....
kingdom hearts story 2 warning extreme content one day sora was gonna see kairi and accidently steped on donalds feet. fuc* donald said you fuc*ing ***** sora pulls outa gun and says i will fuc* you. yeah right bitc* (sora pulls trigger) hey goofy sora said hey im naming this rock land said goofy. your ******ed sora said. i am not you are to i am not "pulls out chainsaw" die goofy!!! goofy dies when sora sees kairi they get in bed make a baby and live a good life the end LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
actually there all gay ^.^
died came back to life and destroyed video die die die!!!!!!! rofl
fu*k i got to stop typing fast rofl and no i havent been drinking coffe but thank you (snatches coffe) yay!
ive been meaning to change that that was on accident lol kingdom ok so roxas take those qoutes out of your sig sara or someone close this thread(im not being defeated) and if yall do not do that then i maybe leave.
your a n00b for being ******ed!