Thats okay xD. Kinda used to it since most of my friends are too busy for me now
Well there will be no crushing from me. Just randomness and a big v-day hug :3 *huggles*
I totally agree. I originally got it because im fond of thatgamecompany's work to make such simple things have alot of depth. But I totally didnt expect the game to make such a sharp turn from good to amazing. For just 10 dollars, this is a gem for the PS3.
What, Im supposed to ignore my friends just cause its v-day? Plus we already had our little fun xD. you're the one that needs the extra attention...
Ah. Well you have me <:
Well that sounds spiffy. Im still using that desktop wallpaper you made me though. Band of Seven ftw 8D
Well there is a thing to subscribe to threads. That way you can always keep track of old threads and any new posts in there. And posting all their works in one thread or in many threads is up to the person. But most people prefer making a new thread for new works because when they just make one thread and bump it with new artwork, its ignored more often.
Change it to InuKH2Sammy
Bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy
I gots one 8D A very bouncy one at that *is very satisfied*
Maybe you are a weirdo?
Well premium only would be pointless since he's suggesting a public gallery for people of the site to upload pictures. Plus it would just be another reason for people to post/rep whore their way up to premium.
Minus the coders, reporters, and the two non-directly involved admins, that would leave 12 staff members to approve the pictures for a forum with 35k+ members where around 1k+ are quite active. And because there are only about half the staff on at a given time, that would mean 6 staff members would have to approve the photos for around 50-100+ members that are on at any given time and could be putting in who knows how many pictures. About 4 of those staff members would be constantly surveying their sections while 2 of them would be pruning the threads that they get PMs about to close or lock or move. That all would be on top of the video portal, which I know keeps certain staff members quite busy since there is quite a large amounts of uploads that have to be tended too. Adding a public gallery where staff would have to approve pictures would keep 4chaners and trolls out, but would put quite a load on staff members that are already quite busy. If a gallery was to be made, you would have to think of one that would be more secure without making too much strain for the rest of the staff. Possibly a gallery thats only accessible to people of certain posts/rep amounts?
RAWR, LEMME BUY YOU A DAMN GAME. Pretty please? <:
Windows Media Player supports the MP4 format.
Both suck :D
We cant see it, Some scrawny tard is in the way D:
Wtf? Some ugly dude is blocking that hot door.
Kay is hoooot. Amirite?
James Bond was dressed like a sweet clown! It was awesome :D What is YOUR favorite bond movie?