You're ******ed D:
I also enjoy caramel with apple slices.
Kay has a face and two eyes.
Darn, I only know Cantonese x3.
So will this be Cantonese or Mandrin?
Her country |:
Chinese pl0x. I could always teach you french, no need for you to learn it twice~ Plus imagine how awesome it would be to run around next chinese new years screaming random chinese sentences and burning things. I know, I know, its too epic to imagine.
You look quite delicious in that dress, sis~
Cia it is! o:
lol, for a second there I thought you said you finally got plowed xD. Well be happy you got snow! We just have hot sweaty balls all the time. Its...
Awesome! Snow =D. You're so lucky. I want it to snow here.
I didnt know you left. Welcome back lady person!
I am delicious, and how is thou this lovely morn?
IT'S A TRAP They're lesbians <:
Just because you're cute doesnt mean you can call me chrissy D< And Brownies >o>
D-I-E-T Just saying :D
You could go on a diet.
Daaw, Bia still looks uber pretty even when surrounded by less pretty people :'D Very nice pictures Sandariffic. Now all you need is a high powered rifle and a Simon on your arm~
I think someone needs the help of green eggs and ham.
Gambit is win. They need more of him in X-men movies