Poke-rap go!
But you only burn.
To get to Career level 5, you just need to have a good mood, the required stats, and enough friends. For the raging party, you just need a hot tub, a clean house, a really good mood, and alot of good food. Just throw a party and eventually it'll say that your party rocks.
I shall go :D
Quoted for truth.
Aww, no love for Megaman 9? D:
Who are you?
Pfft, you're like Neon Blonde. You blind people with your wonderfully bright yellow flowery-ness
Well im confused. When did you get boobs and an ass?
Your face is made of awesome.
I have no clue lol.
So thats where I left it.
Whoa there, im gonna have to take you downtown for being so epic. And having awesome hair~
Yeah lol. Ours was superior though! Cause it was sexy.
You sure? I dont remember that one lol. The only forum I remember making was KH-AIDS but that one is still up~
Nah, I lost my bookmark for that a long while ago. I had a link of it from a site me and cheal worked on.
Its a like a thread full of less annoying versions of Miele :D
You should get the normal dial tone~
Happy Birthday it is, DreadnoughtAnchorman!