Gharanth saw himself in armour brandishing the flame sword. Behind him a village burned and on the floor casually tossed aside was the broken body of Twilight. "NO!" Gharanth screamed and fell to his knees. He closed his eyes and then they snapped open. "THIS IS ALL ILLUSION. You have no power over me!". The mirror in front of him shattered but instead he saw Twilight and her suffering, and worse still, he could neither reach her nor speak with her.
Maiko looked around. "Where shall we start? Nothing has been disturbed so it's time we did." She walked over to a chest. "What will we find in here I wonder?" She pulled out rich clothing and a casket containing scrolls. She passed them to Koza.
"You did nothing to them. This whole sorry event is due to the charm. How could they hate you?"
The next chamber consisted of a huge mirror against one wall and rolling mist. Unseen forces separated them and the doors slammed shut. "Remember you see things that aren't real. Face your fears!"
"Well they can't have been that loyal if they defiled your home while you were away. They will never work for me, if I am to be noble then I want people around me I can trust. They tore the rest of the house apart and took everything they could."
"Snakes are living things and can be killed. These tests work with your darkest fears and those cannot be killed easily."
"There is a chamber beyond this I'm guessing. The next test with be another mental one. I'm guessing that each level tests a different facet."
"Let's go then. We can both discover what is in this room." Maiko grabbed his hand and pulled him into the room.
"So I'm not such a pampered , spoilt rich kid any more then? It's alright, I know what you thought as most people do when I'm working. I appear cold as I would rather be honestly horrible than be charming and then make a cruel decision. At least you hated me from the start, that's what happens when you have to make hard choices."
"It's alright Twilight, I will care for you. You can do whatever you like and I will always love you the same." Gharanth put his arm around her. Whatever is in here, I can be scarier. Remember that."
ooc: I edited mine as well. *hugs* bic: "Lets move on to the other bedroom. What can you remember about that? It was our parent's room I think you said."
"Sometimes I get scared as well. You don't need to pretend you are brave. This place is enough to scare the bravest person. I think that this is part of the test. We just need to stick it out."
"We camped a lot as children. My parents thought it built strength. I soon lost my fear of the outside. The sounds are unfamiliar but most animals are more scared of you than you are of them and they are all scared of fire."
"You haven't done much camping have you? The wildlife joins you and you get used to it."
"It seems safe enough. The trap must have been triggered if the riddle was answered incorrectly. Come my love, an empty room is nothing to be scared of."
"I'm sure that she doesn't deserve you. You will find someone that will care for you."
"If you want it to be. Do you have a girlfriend hidden away somewhere? I did have someone..." Maiko looked at the ground and sighed.
"I can imagine you playing with it. Maybe whoever has children first can pass it to them."
"Well I'm taking it. It shouldn't be discarded like that. It reminds me that my brother will always be near." ooc: Got to go. Goodnight!
"I'm sorry, I never meant to upset you. I was only teasing you about your journal.It's private, so I won't. I'll hold it for you though until you want it." She noticed something under a pile of debris. She pulled out a battered wooden sword. It struck her as really sad that this had been discarded.