"If she really loved you then boundaries wouldn't matter. She has given up a little too easily. I suspect that this is a ploy to keep you under control. There is no reason why she could not stay with you and the class thing is rubbish as it obviously means nothing to you. Perhaps she considers herself too grand, after all you have a price on your head and she is a bounty hunter. I guess that you will see her again when she comes for your head."
HPD - Highway Patrol Department...
War is inevitable at times as man is an animal that is in basic nature violent ad territorial. Peace is often the result of seeing the damage that war causes. There is also the point that a lot of technological advances are driven by war and the threat of war. We are by nature a suspicious species and will probably never achieve the ideal peace. It at least gives mankind something to strive for.
Indeed!!!!!.......... XDDDDD
Maiko smiled s she led Koza to a small house in the back streets. Knocking on the door she said something quietly and they were let in. Inside the house was warm and friendly and the couple smiled at them and offered them chairs by the fire. Maiko sat down and warmed her hands.
"You're not very bright at times are you? The inn would be the first place that they would look for us if we are being hunted. We have been offered shelter in many houses and they can always say we forced them and threatened them."
I hope you enjoy it!
"You worry too much. I think that you will be fine. Just remember that I have faith in you. It seems we are not so evil as a lot of the townspeople were repressed by that diabolical magistrate and see us as outlaw heroes. We can hide here for a while if you want."
"You will be safe as long as we are near to each other, or at least that is what the legend says. My sword stops yours from becoming a blood thirsty killer. You are the reason I stay here. It is nice to have someone who is like you."
Maiko watched him with concern. "What worries you brother? Is the sword talking to you or something?"
That's really nice as it portray the emotions in the song and in the video. I like the way you left the sound in for the suitable words as this added to it. I'm sure she will love it but don't be surprised if she cries with happiness.
Very true. Here's a couple of examples from both ends of the age spectrum of a more enlightened approach to beauty: True colours Pro Age Both adverts were run successfully in the UK.
Sadly a lot of magazines portray these images of airbrushed and even photo-shopped pictures of models and celebrities which portray this super thin, anorexia inducing image that hits the part of society that has low self esteem. Not all companies are however guilty of this and at least one company in the UK is hitting back. The Campaign For Real Beauty uses real women with all their imperfections and is actively campaigning against the standards of the beauty and glamour industry. Here's the link for their campaign. Campaign For Real Beauty I strongly believe in this. Here's one of their adverts Dove Advert
Lots of people have that fear. Congratulations on beating it!! I'm scared of wasps and escalators (I fell down a big one as a small kid).
That was brilliant. You certainly must have been thinking about that for a long time... KHV is not Punk Rock?
Reality hit Gharanth like icy water in the face. His countenance changed as he became more serious and sombre. "We have to move on. Sadly dreaming may be pleasant but it won't solve this accursed temple that has been a tomb for so many. I would class it more as a mausoleum. The sooner we are finished here the sooner we can achieve the heights to which our dreams fly."
"Don't forget we will be searched for. There hasn't been any communication from the ship since yesterday and they alarm will have been raised. The only advantage of having a father that owns the company is that he isn't going to let his 'darling' daughter stay lost for too long. I do too much work and I have a clause in my will that if I die or am declared dead then everything goes to charity. Father is greedy enough not to want that and he is fully aware of the will. I own a lot of shares in my own right and it will hit him hard. Let's just say it's my insurance policy to make sure he doesn't 'lose' me like he did my brother. You see he taught his daughter well."
Is this any help? They are 'modern' ones! http://www.findthefun.com/bands/lists/bs043.htm
They are still performing. lol. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madness_(band) They aren't that old and they have had some great hits. I guess you only want the new ones that are one hit wonders!
For old style, old school stuff then I recommend Madness. They are really good and most people have heard at least one of their songs here. Try 'Baggy Trousers', 'Our House' and 'House of Fun'. It's really upbeat and funny, and some of the songs such as 'One Better Day' and 'Uncle Sam' have a serious message. Yep, I like a little 'Madness'