"I will follow you then. It will be nice to find something, no matter how small. I would like to learn something about them."
"Well we might as well go on and see what the riddle is. I am reasonable as long as they aren't too complex. It will be worth seeing."
"So are they worthless probably. It looks as if this house has been cleared out mainly, either that or our parents were real minimalists."
"I couldn't agree more. It seems that was like a tomb. What is upstairs then, apart from woodworm?"
Did you download the help section as it was on a different download button? Mine works fine,
Maiko climbed up quickly. She hated the darkness and was glad to be back in daylight. She moved out of the way and waited for the others.
Maiko followed close to Koza. Her hand moved to the hilt of the sword. It felt strangely familiar, as if it was meant to be there. Nothing was quite how it seemed in this house.
"Lets go then. I hate it down here, it reminds me of a crypt. I've never seen the house, though by the state of the floor up there we will have to be careful."
"Is there anything else in the house that will tell me about our parents? I guess not. It seems I will never learn much about them."
"That would be entertaining. All this hassle for a useless artifact. They would be sick as dogs. I will protect you though as you are my family."
"I hope that hasn't done any permanent damage to it in the power sense. Thank you Koza. Now we are truly both targets."
"I would be honoured to wield it. You must have the charm though. That means we cannot be parted or your sword's demon will waken. We really are family."
"I think I understand. We wield the swords to protect the charm. That is why they are all together. Who gets which sword though?"
"What is so special about them? I assume that they are fighting swords. Perhaps they were left for us as they are family swords." She glared at Neka. "What about the charm? It looks like a key of some sort."