Sephiroth is in an imaginary religion. It's called Jenova's witness. Get it? Jenova? heh.... I suppose he could be Jewish...but I wouldn't trust a jew with hair that long. Also, the slaughtering of many people doesn't help
Then why did you put CoH in front of it? CoH is highly overrated. "Be your very own superhero" Yeah, I haven't pretended to be a superhero since I was 4. (spiderman!!! bought the little suit and all) so why would I want to become one in a video game, flying around for a member of the dark thorn, after 4 hourse of searching, some ******-bag comes up and punks my kill, only to do it over again. 'tis a vicious circle. Now, WOW. The thought of pretending to be someone out of "Lord of the FREAKIN' rings" is highly appealing, and WOW does not let down.
well there are other options (LOL, ILLEGAL DOWNLOAD PROGRAMS PUN!!!!!) (but seriously, DO NOT do it. You could go to jail! T___T) Erm...Yahoo is good too. Or videoegg....or dunno
Or maybe some KH characters could be a cameo in another fighting game. Such as, jump superstars maybe.
RUN BOY, RUUN! THE SACRED COKE BOTTLE CAP IS GETTING AWAY!!! lol, this is great. They should import commercials like this
World of warcraft is definetely the best P2P I'm surprised Rune isn't the best F2P...although, it does suck a little
Chocobo? What is the name of Leon's sword?
Now how many people have said that? 140,564,789,006 In case ya'll guys didn't know, people having sucking the juice outta Evanescence masterpieces, for their music videos. I've done it myself, not ashamed to say it.
I like CHILDREN!!!!! Sora: o_0 Riku: 0_o Kairi: O_O!!!
Half life stole the gravity gun idea from Timesplitters! I can't believe Timesplitters isn't in there!
Hmm..I'm not sure what it's called. But it's on this trailer Brings a tear to my eye every time
Done and done. Here's one Here's another Ok...who likes Bruce Willis?
Never heard of them. Are they from Inuyasha?
*shock* *horror* *gasp* *cookie* Congratulations DarkAndroid. You deserved it. You certainly owned the rest of us.
Oh yeah, Luffy V Usopp. That one is really emotional. Didn't know Usopp could hold his own against Luffy.
Look, I'm sure we all like to watch females and their boudoir attires, but you can do that any time. If you really wanted to I'm not sure Mish would appreciate all this male fascinations about her and her private clothing. If she wanted someone else besides DW, then she would say so. :) no offence to ANYONE though
Interesting anology. But what if EVERYONE were to die at the same time?(via asteroid....ZOMG AN ASTEROID!!!!) Then, how would be born then? Adam and Eve all over again? I think not. When you die, you go to heaven. And if you were evil, you stay a wandering spirit. Forced to live eternity without God. That's my two cents.
Pluto (the dog, not the planet, you silly people) What is the name of the huge heartless which appears in Sora's dream and re-appears in Destiny Islands
860 times I like pie
If you had gone on to the official JUMPFESTA website which is located hyar. It even has a countdown timer. 20 days, 16 hours, 23 minutes and 42 seconds. Jumpfesta is a convention, really, that is about all things japanese. Mainly anime (ONE PIECE FTW)