This is just a helpful hint. I'm sure most of you know this already, but I'd just thought I'd share it with people who don't. When you complete Pain and Panic tournament, you may go back and choose to do it again. You may also choose to fight from a particular round. When you're drive gauge is empty or halfway, or whatever crap it's on, choose to fight the LAST fight (Leon and Yuffie). When you win (or lose, I don't know I never lost :D *people throw stuff at me*), you're drive gauge will be max. Regardless of where it was. This should be easy to experienced fighters (*people throw MORE stuff at me*) Here's another quick tip before I leave: Through the blue door, into the big huge round room, usually a SWARM of heartless appear. (Swarm = OMFG MILLIONS). These could be useful when you're wanting to lvl up your drive. But alas, they usually appear once. So, to make them appear again, go up and try the Phil training. You can exit it IMMEDIATLY, is you want. Doesn't make a difference. When you go back, they'll appear again, and you can fight them again. ....or if you're a lazy-*** (like me), then you could just do the first step, then just run down the big long corridor where heartless appear. This is not recommended for Wisdom form, because you usually run out of Drive energy quickly, and you only get exp for each heartless you kill. SOOOO, any questions, just post.
WOOKIE ROAR: AAAAAAARRRRRRWWWWWWWWW When is the next emotion coming up, I feel emotional! I feel ANGRY because I'm tired I feel SAD because you won't give us an emotion And I feel PIE...........
OOC: Oh right, this is still here...>_> Kujo turned to the other beings of darkness. "Guys!?" Kujo seemed distant and looked the other way, the way he was running from. "Keyblade! KEYBLADE!!!" Kujo kept running, knocking Hexin down. "KEEEEEYBLAAAAAAAAADE!!!!!" Kujo instantly transported. He meant to go to warn the others, but somehow he managed to be standing on the table where Hades, Jafar, Oogie Boogie, Ursula, Captain Hook...Maleficent were. "Oh god..." Squeeled Kujo
Name: Jit Gender: Male Appearance: Black shirt with black leather trousers and boots. Round glasses, with slick black hair, tied at the end with a ponytail. Devil Fruit: None Weapon: Two handguns and bo-staff. Special ablilties: Unmatchable speed Position: Navigator Background: He wasn't the most fit guy in town. He tried to keep up with the other boys, but they were just too fast. Even though the townspeople looked at him with pitiful smiles, he knew in his heart he wasn't good enough. His parents left him years ago. They had to sail toward the new island without him. Under the orders of Treek. The vile half-human half-rhino. Everyone who could work was to be sent to the new island. He never knew what was on it. He was left to be raised by the old people and other children. He always remembered back to the day when he didn't run fast enough to his parents to give them one last hug. He was too slow, and the gates closed in front of him. They sailed away. He never got to hug them... Since that day, he trained to be faster than any other kid on the island. But, the town was too small to train on. And it was too overcrowded. One day, the Navy arrived. One particular admiral took a keen interest in Jit. After their few days together, Jit told the admiral his story. The admiral took him away to the Navy base, where Jit could train properly. He forgot where his island was located, and the other "new" island where his parents were. He travels now to find his parents. Reasons for Joining the Crew: To find his parents
1157 It's actually ScRooge. Look at the freakin' awesome sig. Call me SCROOOOGE! ...... I wonder if anyone doesn't want to kill me right now.
Agreed. Those first two are epics. The rest are a fine piece of work too.
Youtube link Download link Ok, the reason I'm entering SO EARLY, is because I won't have a second to spare during next week. Or, the week after that, for that matter. So, um, I got lazy. Obviously. Watch at your own risk. And OMFG IS THAT MAN ON FIRE!!!!??? *runs away*
RYU FRO-..........curse thee. You ruined my dramatic return.... anywho. Bring on the next.
Yeah, and also, you need to talk more. So, how are you? P.S. belongs in Kingdom hearts Media
One winged angel obviously. Don't know any others that are good enough.
We need links. Otherwise, we're just too lazy. BTW, won't be online at ALL next week. Just an F.Y.I. (too many tests) Not that anyone cares or anything....:p
1068 >_> <_<........*waits for the next person so he can steal 1070*
Sweet, let us know. k? Oh, and I have a few more of that current mood. I forgot. THIS!!!! that's it....
So, um, is it possible to become more than a member? Like, maybe we could turn into Lionheart Knight, or Lionheart warrior, or something cool like that.
I was hoping to save Sora for last. Let's get on with Don. Donald burning ring of fire: By lighting the tip of his staff, and spinning his staff, donald let's a wave of fire in the shape of a circle at the enemy. Donald flip: By using the high jump technique, Donald runs at the opponent, spikes his staff into the ground, and lifts his feet into the enemy. An optional follow up attack would be running up the opponent, vaulting off them, and swinging back into them again. Donald flood: By combinging fire and blizzard, the tip of his staff can execute water, which (if he makes enough) can drown the opponent. Donald execution: By combing donald flood and thunder, Donald can hurt the opponent greatly. Still more to come.
Whoa, nice heartless guys. (Especially *^~KairiHeart~^* 's). Well, I think that's enough to start it. Hopefully more people will join after awhile. Ok, ready, set, KERPLAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Oh, yeah. Before, I start a new chapter, I'll explain a few things about the chapter. Ok, so this first chapter is set at the start of KH1. Roughly around where Sora starts working on the raft. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: New beginnings The ruins of hallow bastion were completely weathered. Your only friend is the darkness. Light, nowhere to be found. Of course, what else would you expect for a being of darkness. Kujo, a lone soldier, was running down the entrance hall. He had worn out his power and hadn't enough to transport. "5 minutes! 5 MINUTES!!!!" Kujo bellowed down the endless corridor. He didn't know if anyone would hear it, he just felt it necessary to tell the lone abyss. He made his way to the elevator. Hopefully maleficent is still talking to her companions of darkness. Hades, Jafar, Oogie Boogie, Ursula, Captain Hook. The warriors of hearts were all crowded around the table, discussing about Riku. Kujo wasn't supposed to hear this, but there was no avoiding it. Their voices travelled down to Kujo's ears. And, as soon as he heard the one word, a shiver ran down his whole body. He ran the other way. "....keyblade...."
You can't think you're better than people who cut themselves. They do so, because it may be the only thing that gives them a shred of happiness. (Not to offend anyone who does it) If you put yourselves in their shoes for a nano-second, you would see what it's like. I've thought about doing it several times. And I once did it. But, I couldn't do it again.
Ohhh yeah.. (psst, Zexion! What's this guy talking about?) Could I be in charge of food. I have some leftover meat I could do without.
What's this? A thread of a game that already HAS a thread here? NO WAI!! Well, you're half-right. This is like, a whole new beginning to WOW. Think of a sequal. But not really. Expansion is the word. Anyway....poop. The new expansion to the epic series will feature two new races. The Draeni (alliance) and the Blood Elves (Horde) Each have their unique stories about how they came to be. But, I won't get into detail. Find out yourselves DISCUSS!