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  1. Samurai
    Mish = hawt girl

    Deathspank = Deathspank

    You're talking crazy.
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 13, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Samurai
    "Eh?" Jit said from the other side of the street. He saw the marines charging in, and acted quickly.

    He bent his knees and kicked off the ground, in a flash. He re-appeared behind the charging marines. His feet was flying in the air, and he used this to slam one of his feet into the back of the head of one of the marines.

    That Marine was sent into the bar and crashed into a table. Jit posed as the marines turned to look at him. A cigarette in his mouth, and a deck of cards in his hand. "I really, really, REALLY HATE LAW ENFORCEMENTS!!!" Jit yelled and threw the cards away. He disappeared again, and re-appeared in the bar, away from the sight of the Marines.

    He swung his right leg into the three marines in front, which sent them spiralling out through the wall of the bar.


    OT: Guys, I can't stress this enough. Marines and the Navy are totally different. Stick to one from now on, instead of switching back and forth.
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 13, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Samurai
    "OOOH! A fight! I always love to see two honorable men defending each other's honor. May I watch!?" Jit jumped in the middle of the two fighters.

    "Heh, I guess you two are dying for each other's blood. Soon, thine both shall taste and see the first essence of the divine beauty of blood...and ye shall hunger for more of it. You shall slaughter thy enemy, and gaze at the sight of the magnificent crimson blood, smeared all over the gravel. The blood shall speckle in your eye. You shall smile, as you know you've accomplished.....first blood. Such as the colour of the rose, the color red shall stay in your mind for eternity." Jit now seemed distant, and walked away.


    OT: o_o
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 12, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Samurai
    "HAAAAA!!!!" Jit was running through the streets at an unimaginable speed. He stopped dead in his tracks "ICHI-HO!" and disappeared. He re-appeared on a roof nearby, and watched the marines shout and run. "Hehe! Kiss my ***!" Jit said as he watched the Marines run away.

    He spotted his Nakama nearby on the shore. He quickly ran towards them and smiled. "Sorry, I took a quick nap."


    OT: Apperantly
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 12, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Samurai
    How are you doing, LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!!!?????

    Post by: Samurai, Dec 12, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Samurai
    Jit immediatly knew. "Oh I get ya. First, we'll go into the bank. Then, we'll walk RIGHT up to the bank teller. And then we'll...."

    Jit had an evil look on his face. But, then it quickly lightened up, and he pointed his finger to the sky. "We'll open a checking account. With the current deals they have of 15% belli added to our current belli in the bank, we could make the money in just 5 months!"


    Yeah, he's a dumb-***
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 11, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Samurai
    Oh man, I would SOOOO buy that if I saw it anywhere. So sexy. And it looks SOOO comfortable!
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 11, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. Samurai
    Jit stopped dead in his tracks, still in the running pose. He stopped when he heard Hirac. He collapsed to the ground.

    "Hirac, we need money! What do you expect we do?" Jit shouted at Hirac
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 11, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Samurai
    Hey, here's one thing that bugs me.

    What do you need to buy, to use these codes?
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 11, 2006 in forum: Video Showcase
  10. Samurai
    Hahaunuahh.....Hahuannah....hahunnah? That's it, ja? Hahunnah!!!
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 11, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Samurai
    Why did I make my character look like half of Kuro and half of HARRY POTTER!? ^_^. Thanks Kuroux-...Kuroucksi-....DUDE WTF IS YOUR NAME! *shoots repeatadly*


    Jit walked through the brown, market street, browsing the foreign items for sale.

    "Jeez, when are these guys gonna leave. Nothing but" Jit's attention drew to a nearby golden shine in the distance. It came from an ordinary cart, with just but one item. A golden gun.

    He ran as towards it, and picked it up, with his eyes in shape of hearts. "OH, WOW!" The old man smiles at the foolish man.

    "3,000,000 berri please!" said the old man. Jit collapsed and quickly stood up with angry expression. "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!? IT'S JUST A GUN!!!"
    The old man smiled and laughed. "Nothing less"

    Jit turned around and cried. "Ohhhh." He turned back to the gun and stamped his foot. "I'll be right back!" With a flash, he dashed towards the crew.
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 11, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Samurai
    Lol, that's great. Well, I got some free time. On with the attacks. Next up, Sora:
    (BTW, these are all really random, because I'm pulling them out my own a$$)

    Keyblade ricochet: When an enemy lunges their weapon straight on into Sora, Sora ducks and pushes the weapon up, leaving the enemy with an open spot.

    Second chance: When Sora throws his keyblade at the enemy, and he parries it, Sora grabs the keyblade again and flips forward, swinging the key onto the enemy

    Keyblade wheel: By executing the proper foot movement, and taking the terrain into detail, Sora can jump at the enemy, parallel to the floor, and spin at the opponent with the keyblade pointed out.

    Ok, that's it for now. Maybe if more guys think up some, we could create a whole list of moves for each!
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 11, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Samurai
    LOL! That news report = FUNNAY!!! I want more! More random stuff. Shove Xaldin in there somewhere!

    Oh man, I can't stop laughing. MORE! XDDDDDD
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 11, 2006 in forum: Archives
  14. Samurai
    This is, by far, one of the most well recieved AMV's I've done so far. See what you think.

    Thread by: Samurai, Dec 10, 2006, 4 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  15. Samurai
    Interesting that you think that the first game REAL game with 3-D cutscenes has sucky graphics...interesting indeed.

    Anyway, I didn't cry. I freakin' love Sephiroth tho'!!!!
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 10, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  16. Samurai
    Kujo looked at all the menacing figured, staring at him. He could only see their silhouette. Just then, Maleficent stepped forward.

    "You silly little soldier. You were listening to us, weren't you?" Maleficent spoke so coldly.

    "N-NO! I just- I...." Kujo was at a loss for words.

    "You silly little fool. You dare talk back at me with such anger? I should destroy you where you stand."

    Kujo trembled with fear. He could only do one thing. Run....

    Kujo ran as fast as he could out of the room. But just then, a fellow soldier heartless appeared in front of him. The dublicate made a strike against Kujo, but Kujo re-acted quickly.

    He jumped out of the way of his claws and jumped on his head. He then jumped again towards the door.

    The agressive soldier turned and pointed at the running coward. More soldiers appeared and ran after him.

    "Now then..." Said Maleficent turning to her fellow comrades of darkness. "Shall we continue?"
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 9, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Samurai
    WHOOP! I can't believe it, this is the greatest news I ever heard.

    But, we're still gonna have to watch repeats. Eventually it will leave forever.
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 9, 2006 in forum: Anime and Manga
  18. Samurai
    Let's review here...

    You call Riku an idiot, with a HORRIBLY mis-spelt intro post.

    You then say he's an idiot because he turned over to the darkness....

    If any thing, I applaud Riku for turning over to the darkness. He saw the keyhole and opened it, releasing the heartless on his hometown.


    Riku was a bad-*** in KH1. Most of us guys loved him for that.

    Now, you're the type of person who only applauds the good-guys. That's fine. I'm guessing by your posts that you hate Riku completely. Well, if you want to know, he turned into a "good guy" (lol, air quotes) in CoM and KH2.
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 8, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  19. Samurai

    Post by: Samurai, Dec 8, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Samurai
    The end of the world...isn't an actual world. It's the result of all the worlds that were destroyed and brought back together. So, yeah, you could consider it destroyed seeing as though the worlds were restored.

    Castle Oblivion is just in a paradox world. IMO. It looks all....parodoxy T__T
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 8, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX