Ehh...hate to burst your bubble, buuuuut.....'re pretty much boned unless you can make an AMV within another few hours... Please don't hit me :(
Ahhh, so you are the one, NRA. Well, I'm afraid I'm going to have to take your life, so I may win the heart of Hahannuh! OI, HAHANNUH, LOOK OVER HERE! LOOK AT HOW GOOD I LOOK! Anyway, back to you NRA. SHYAAAA! *kicks shin*
"SHWA-HA-H.....Eh?" Jit looked down at Hirac. "Oi, captain. How about the name....Sparky? Named after you. You are the captain after all" Jit said with his glasses gleaming from the sun-rays.
OT: Oh, unique laughs...ok mine is shwa-ha-ha-ha-ha _________________________________________________________ "EPIC PIRATES~!!!! SHWA-HA-HA-HA!" Jit started climbing up the mast and then looked out the sea. "Watch out grand line! The Epic Pirates are coming!! SHWA-HA-HA-HA!!"
"Oi, Hirac. I may have the perfect idea for a name..." Jit bowed his head and smiled. He softly started laughing. "...The Epic. HAHAHAAAAA!!! Oooh, it sounds so cool!" Jit started dancing. "The epic.." Jit jumped on the rail that led onto the main deck "..PIRAAAATES!!" Jit shouted this with his fists in the air.
.....GOD F*CKING DAMMIT! MY ONE TRUE LOVE IS TAKEN! WHO IS THE ******-BAG? I WANNA GO KICK HIS ***!! *shakes fist and storms off*
I see Darkwatch as a girl. A lonely girl...sitting on a rock that sits upon a lone green-speckled lake. The girl is crying. Her husband just left her, because he found out he had cancer. The girl's tears run down her cheek as she makes a soft noise. The nearby woodland animals try to take care of her, but cannot. Animals can't swim. Soon, the sun starts to fall, and she feels like she's getting covered by a dark abyss, in which is not return. She has noise. She pulls out the gun. *BANG* She commits suicide. IMO
I wasnt spamming I was complaining=Best....quote....ever.... BACK TO THE RP!!! ____________________________________________________________ Jit had made it to the lighthouse, he looked back at the last few Marines charging after him. Jit's eyes were covered by a shadow. "I...killed so many of your people.." Jit looked up and stared hard at the Marines angry faces. " wish to kill me because I killed your comrades..." The marines got closer. Jit could now see that they were crying. "I'm sorry, but I cannot die until I fulfill my dream..and my promise." The marines were now 2 metres away. Jit used Soru to appear on top of the lighthouse. "MARINES! I WILL COME BACK FOR YOU! I WILL COME BACK WHEN YOU ARE STRONGER!! STRIVE TO BECOME STRONGER! YOU MAY THEN CHALLENGE ME TO AVENGE YOUR NAKAMAAAAA!!!"
OR I could......... ______________________________ Jit turned his head sharply left and right, until his focus turned to the lighthouse. "It's our only choice. Ready Hirac? We're going to charge our way through!" Jit slowly took out his wooden bo-staff from his back and took it in both hands. "For you, Tsurigi" Jit ran to the edge of the boat and put his right foot onto the rail. He jumped down at the Marines with his staff held back over his head.
Mish = saix DA = Luffy Shikamaru = two Kunai...(yes, you are two Kunai on the internet. Congratulations) Axeleight = Axel fox. :D
Does yours have anything saying "lol"? No? Oh....mine does:D
HAHANNUH!!!!!!!!!! CAN TAKE YOU TO THA' DANCE!!!!!!!!?????? (plz?) Please, I just love you so. :o
KH 1 couldn't because of the Uber-long cutscenes that can't be skipped. Sooooo...... best bet is KH: FM and KH2
P'wned I told you guys there would be CG. I TOLD YOU!!!!
"Heeeey, relax guy! See!" Jit pointed to the rubble in the middle of the street, cause by the destruction of the hotel. "They'll be there for awhile. We can make our escape!" Jit grabbed hold of Hirac by the back of his jacket collar. "SORU!" Jit and Hirac appeared on the ship of dimetrix. "Okay guys, we best get out of here as fast as we can. Everyone accounted for?" Jit said proudly, as if he was the captain. Just then, the same exact squad of marines appeared to the other street. "AAAAGGHH! OF COURSE! THIS WHOLE TOWN IS JUST A SERIES OF VERTICLE AND HORIZONTAL STREETS. KIND OF LIKE A CHESSBOARD!!!" Jit turned away and cried. "How could I be so stupid. I'm supposed to be the smartest!"
"You think I would care...BUT NO!" Jit said as he smiled. "Well, this entirely blows. I guess we could blow this building up aswell." "KABE-KIBO!!!!" Jit's feet started to sizzle. And he slowed looked up the huge building. He completely disappeared, and a huge streak of dust was travelling at high speed up the building "KABE-KATSU!!" The streak of dust yelled, and when it travelled straight up the building, Jit could be seen still rising in the air. The building suddenly split in half as the two pieces fell apart. ______________________________________________________________ This is a very good site for translating japanese to English if anybody needs.
Jit heard Hirax shouting. He needed to get out of the Tavern. But with a bang... "Sorry guys, wish I could stay." Jit said, while he noticed a keg of beer on a nearby table. He picked it up and threw it at the marines. He then shot a hole in it, while proceeding to throw his cigarette in the hole. The keg of beer rolled for a minute while jumping for a little. Soon, the keg of beer let out a huge explosion that covered the door frame of the Tavern. Jit, however, was already out the Tavern, using the hole the previous Marine was sent through. He stopped dead in front of Hirac. "So, can we leave yet?"
I got one. It was about hot naked brazilian girls, or, just no.
OMG! I KNOW! I saw Roxas and Cin making out. It was true. Roxas was stroking his hand through Cin's hair and everything. ^ true
Yeah, YOU TELL THEM! You're so wise Hahannuh-chan. You're so right Hahannuh-chan. We're not worthy of you Hahannuh-chan She's mine, please.