Search Results

  1. Samurai
    That would be Oprah. Chapapapapapaaaaa

    Can I have a monkey? PLZZ!?
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 16, 2006 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Samurai
    ThisissofunIwanttobefunlikeyoupeople althoughyourtypeoffunisdifferentthanmytypeoffun soweshouldexchangeourtypesoffunandmakeitasuperfunplace

    Post by: Samurai, Dec 16, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Samurai

    no thank u
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 16, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Samurai
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 16, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Samurai
    First, go to the roof of the bizarre room.

    You can access that by going through the forest, into the cave on the far side and going into the house.

    Turn on both lights, by going up to them, and using the command "touch" which will appear at the bottom of your action bar.

    Once, you've done that, find a grey switch somewhere on the wall. This will bring you back to the Queen's courtyard. Then, go back to the bizarre room. (normal, not on the roof)

    You will then find trickster.
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 16, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. Samurai
    GAH! You win this round NRA! But in the future you will not be so lucky! SAMURAI AWAAAAAY!

    *jumps to Mish*
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 16, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Samurai



    This, looks absoloutely awesome! I will DEFINETELY see that! It looks so awesome, and WAAAAY better than that other movie.

    m i rite?
    Thread by: Samurai, Dec 16, 2006, 0 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  8. Samurai
    I think Dakota Fanning should've been Kairi. It would've been interesting to watch the two biggest youth actors in the same project. I never even heard of the girl that did Kairi.

    I'm sure S-E suggested it, but she would've cost too much money....

    Thread by: Samurai, Dec 16, 2006, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. Samurai

    Post by: Samurai, Dec 16, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Samurai
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 16, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Samurai

    Post by: Samurai, Dec 16, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Samurai
    DA said he's too busy ATM, and will try announce the winner soon.

    Just, don't expect it to be today.
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 16, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  13. Samurai
    One Piece! It's so totally epic! One Piece is your best shot
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 16, 2006 in forum: Anime and Manga
  14. Samurai
    Turtle Power!!!


    Turtle is back. Deal with it.
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 16, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Samurai

    I'M GOING TO GO SLEEP NOW!!!! *hits own head with a crowbar*

    Post by: Samurai, Dec 15, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Samurai

    Eat up!


    *watches video*


    Post by: Samurai, Dec 15, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Samurai
    YYYYYAAAAAARRRRRRR!!!!!!! *shows re-runs of "friends" to the undead. OMFG, THEY RUN AWAY*

    My turn! YUGI! *yu-gee-ooh appears* OMFG, LET'S DUAL!!!! I place an uber-dubbed trap card tha' makes you ZOOMFG GET RID OF YOUR STEEL SHIN AND PLACE IT ON MEEE! *the shin appears on Yugi* ARRRRG! AAARG! THIS DOESN'T REALLY HURT, BUT AAAAARRRRRGGGG!!!!

    *me kicks shin*
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 15, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Samurai
    This site isn't exactly famous for it's Forum. I'll give you that.

    But, we've got plenty of stuff to do here. We just don't really like the same stuff. And that comment was ******ed. I don't know really what I'm saying. I'm tired.

    Let's go crazaaaaay!!! BadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadger


    EDIT: We also have pirates :/
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 15, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Samurai
    This is turning into spam, and will be deleted if Myx doesn't update soon.

    Post by: Samurai, Dec 15, 2006 in forum: The Playground
  20. Samurai
    I just watched this again today, for poops and giggles. And, it was even better than the first time.

    May I ask you, how you made Sora do that cool twirly thing in master form in his Wisdom form?
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 15, 2006 in forum: Production Studio