I got 20 virtual dollars (lol, non-existant) that DarkAndroid will say "The winner is....ME! Seeya!"
I would fear you, but you're breaking the rules by having more than two pictures in your sig. I only fear law-abiders. >_>
One thing you have to know is...most Goths do do drugs and stuff. I'm not saying every goth does. In fact, my older friend is a goth, and he's SO F*CKING FUNNY! He does teenage drink though. But, everyone has. And he IS 18. So, I guess it's alright. I'm neutral with Goths. I don't like them, I don't hate them. But, I'm leaning towards liking them ATM. AND, OMFG DID I JUST SAY do do?
COM is 1.5, and was just made to bridge the gap between 1 and 2. It's not specifically a major title in KH series. Sora will die. OMFGWTFBBQ PLOTHOLES!!!!!!!!!
1304 Only Jesus gets to sa booyah Chapapapapaaaaaaaaaa
Wouldn't that be sweet? At the beginning of the game or something, you have to get to Disney castle or something. And then you have to walk around Destiny islands (the whole of Destiny islands, not just that little island) or something. And then maybe you find a gummi ship or something. And then you fly to Disney castle!!!! ...or something
"WHAT? AFTER ALL THE TROUBLE OF STEALING IT!?" Jit said as his face turned red with anger. *flashback* A crew were packing their belongings onto their ship. It was crates, filled with personal stuff, such as swords and ropes. Jit noticed something glistening in one of the crates that wasn't closed yet. Jit's eyes narrowed as he looked left and right. He tiptoed towards the guy picking up the crates and throwing them on the boat. Jit started thinking. "Okay, all I have to do is tiptoe right up behind him aaaaand...." Jit reached the man, and was so near him, he could smell his disgusting odor. "CAA-CAAAAAAAW!!!!" Jit shouted in the man's ear. "The he- SSSHHHIIIIIT!!!" The man dropped the crate he was holding, and landed on his foot. Jit took the compass and ran away. *end flashback* Jit stormed off into the kitchen and slammed the door behind him. "WHERE'S THE GODDAM COOK, I'M HUNGRY!!!"
"Great! I even managed to get an eternal post." Jit pointed to the strap around his wrist. It had a sphere-shaped glass ball on it, and inside it was a red and white stick. "According to this, Anglata is north-west" Jit pointed in a direction. "Fire away cap'n"
Oh...will you tell me how they changed? I'll give you a cookie
If you were born in 1991, then you're the same as ME!!! *flips* A monkey, and metal. We're robot monkeys!
I'm a libra, I'm a monkey! (HELL YEAH!!!) And I'm metal... I like sneezing
I Want The Game So Much, It Hurts My ***!!
The ultra gayness that never was Roxas
How come Donald And Goofy's clothes changed when they were walking down the path in the ending to KH? They appeared like that again in the intro to COM. What's going on with their clothes.....O_O
1301 Chapapapapapapapapapapapaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!
Photoshop'd/10 It's all too fake.
1288 How terribly bad was it?
Welcome, have fun, don't accept any cookies
Need an ultra cool siggy done. Text: Samurai Stock: Use this and just Leonardo. Cut out everything else. Color: Green